• Ågade 10

    6000 Kolding



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Eva Brandt is Professor at Design School Kolding (2019 - present), where she is leading the Lab for Social Design.

Previously she was professor at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK) (2015 - 2019). At KADK she was co-leading the Center for Research in Codesign (CODE). From 2014 - 2028 she has been part of the main faculty for a two year international MA-program in codesign. The main part of her research is about how designers can stage open design processes (design labs) with many participants who both can inquire into existing practices and explore possible futures in common. She also contributes to theorizing about experimental design research driven by programs and experiments. She has been contributing to several books such as Design Spaces (IT Press, 2005), Rehearsing the Future (The Danish Design School Press, 2010), XLAB (The Danish Design School Press, 2011), Facilitating Change – Using Interactive Methods in Organizations, Communities and Networks (Polyteknisk Forlag, 2011), and Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design (Routledge, 2013), and has been chairing the Nordic Design Research Conference in 2013.

Min forskning har til stadighed handlet om at forstå designarbejde i praksis og at udvikle og afprøve arbejdsformer (designmetoder) som fungerer i praksis og som kan understøtte udviklingsprocesser med mange involverede. Jeg er også optaget af eksperimenterede designforskning mere generelt. For eksempel relationen mellem program, eksperiment og argument i forbindelse med at udvikle og formidle ny viden.

Forskningen er ofte gennemført via konkrete design-projekter, der har haft en eksperimenterende og udforskende karakter. Der arbejdes som regel parallelt med samarbejdet og dialogen mellem forskellige interessenter og udviklingen af designartefakter (materielle eller immaterialle). Et nøgleord for vores forskninge er ’Design:Lab’, at bruge laboratoriemetaforen til at beskrive den fælles udforskning i projekterne. Mere åbne designprocesser beskrives også ofte som brugercentreret design, co-design eller interaktionsdesign. Centralt i forskningen er udviklingen af arbejdsformer, der aktivt involverer brugerne og andre (f.eks. repræsentanter fra virksomheder og organisationer) i såvel udforskning af eksisterende praksis samt skabelse af visioner eller koncepter for hvordan fremtider kan være anderledes. Jeg arbejder bl.a. med, hvordan man kan anvende forskellige typer designmaterialer som ’probes’ – dvs. forskellige måder at anvende fysiske objekter i forhold til at eksperimentere med og udforske nutiden såvel som mulige fremtider.

Særlige faglige fokusområder

•    Eksperimenterende designforskning.
•    Brugerorienteret design, co-design, interaktionsdesign.
•    Antropologisk inspirerede tilgange til designorienteret feltarbejde.
•    Udvikle forskellige typer workshop formater med fokus på co-design.
•    Udvikle forskellige formater for udforskende designspil, probes, scenarier m.m.
•    Udvikle scenarier - anvende drama og rekvisitter med inspiration fra teatret.
•    Artefakters betydning i dialogen mellem forskellige interessenter.

Jeg ved også noget om

•    Rummet som medspiller og delagtig i udformning af designobjektet
•    Anvendelse af kunstneriske metoder i udforskningen af hverdagsliv.
•    Space design
•    Eksperimenterende designforskning, research through design, pracxtice based research.

Publikationer før 2005


  • Contextualizing mobile IT. Jörn Messeter, Eva Brandt, Joachim Halse and Martin Johansson. Full paper presented at the DIS04 conference held in Boston, august 2004Action Research in User-Centered Product Development. Eva Brandt, Special issue on action research. AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence, Springer.


  • Self-produced video to augment peer-to-peer learning. Eva Brandt, Per-Anders Hillgren and Erling Bjarki Björgvinsson. Full paper for the MLEARN conference in London, UK. May 2003.Oro i designlabbet.Maria Hellström och Eva Brandt. Chapter in the anthology titled: "Friktion", Raster Forlag, 2003.


  • PDA´s, Barcodes and Video-films for Continuous Learning at an Intensive Care Unit. Eva Brandt, Erling Björgvinsson, Per-Anders Hillgren, Viktor Bergqvist and Marcus Emilson. Demo-paper for the Nordichi,Conference. Århus October 2002, Denmark.
  • Location in Work Practices: The Social Shaping of a Personal Digital Assistant. Viktor Bergquist, Marcus Emilson, Philippe Rouchy, Erling Bjarki Björgvinsson, Eva Brandt, Per-Anders Hillgren, Sue Harden. Full paper for the Third Wireless World Conference: The Social Shaping of Mobile Futures. Surrey July 2002.Partner Engaged Design: New Challenges for Workplace Design. Martin Johansson, Peter Frost, Eva Brandt, Thomas Binder, Jörn Messeter. Full paper for the Participatory Design Conference (PDC'02), Malmö, June 2002 (p. 162 - 172).
  • Moving Stories. Eva Brandt, Maria Hellström, Anna Brag and Isa Hardemo. Paper for the Art/Work Strand at the Participatory Design Conference (PDC'02), Malmö, June 2002 (p. 358 - 361).


  • Event-Driven Product Development: Collaboration and Learning. Eva Brandt. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management. Technical University of Denmark. March 2001. Eva Brandt. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management. Technical University of Denmark. March 2001.
  • Moving Stories. Eva Brandt, Isa Hardemo, Anna Brag and Maria Hellström, Demo description for the STIMDI conference, Stockholm, 2001. Eva Brandt, Isa Hardemo, Anna Brag and Maria Hellström, Demo description for the STIMDI conference, Stockholm, 2001.
  • Taking Video Beyond 'Hard Data' in User Centered Design. Jacob Buur, Thomas Binder and Eva Brandt. Full paper presented at Participatory Design Conference (PDC'00), Nov. 2000, New York (p. 21 - 29). Jacob Buur, Thomas Binder and Eva Brandt. Full paper presented at Participatory Design Conference (PDC'00), Nov. 2000, New York.


  • Evoking the Future: Drama and Props in User Centered Design. Eva Brandt and Camilla Grunnet. Full paper presented at the Participatory Design Conference (PDC'00), Nov. 2000, New York (p. 11 - 20).Design as a Play with Props that Make up for Design Requirements. Eva Brandt and Camilla Grunnet. Position paper for Workshop on translating children's answers into design requirements: Opportunities and limitations. Presented at the conference I3 Tentative Spring Days, Athens, March 1-3, 2000.


  • User-Centeredness and Product Development. Thomas Binder, Eva Brandt and Jacob Buur. Position paper presented at a workshop at the Participatory Design Conference (PDC'98) in Seattle in Nov. 1998. Thomas Binder, Eva Brandt and Jacob Buur. Position paper presented at a workshop at the Participatory Design Conference (PDC'98) in Seattle in Nov. 1998.
  • Staging Events of Collaborative Design and Learning in Product Development. Thomas Binder, Turid Horgen, Eva Brandt and Gregory Zack. Full paper presented at the Concurrent Engineering Conference in Tokyo, July 1998 (p. 369 - 378). Thomas Binder, Turid Horgen, Eva Brandt and Gregory Zack. Full paper presented at the Concurrent Engineering Conference in Tokyo, July 1998 (p. 369 - 378).


  • Customer/User Workshops in Product Development - creating fora for collaboration between different competencies. Eva Brandt and Thomas Binder. Full paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED97) in Tampere, August 1997.
  • Tre uger i ingeniørstudiet. Artikel i Loke no. 4 Nov. 1997. Written together with Thomas Binder and Henrik Buhl.

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