Intet billede af Maria Kirk Mikkelsen

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


2021-2025 PhD projekt: ‘Exploring an experimental and material-based colour design process’, Designskolen Kolding
2019-2020 Adjunktpædagogikum, Syddansk Universitet SDU
2017 Certificeret NCS Colour Adviser, NCS Stockholm
2015-2016 Certificeret Proces konsultant, Go-process og VIA Århus
2009 Projektledelse, IBC Kolding
2002-2003 Design Academy Eindhoven, Man & Well-being, Holland
1999-2004 Designskolen Kolding, Tekstil Design
1996-1999 Seminariet for Kunst og Håndværk, linjen for billedkunst, Kerteminde
1989-1992 Matematisk student, Morsø Gymnasium

Fastansat på Designskolen Kolding siden 2009


Coming from a background in classical design with a passion for form, colour, materials, aesthetics and craftsmanship and with no extended training in academic work, it is a key theme in my research to explore how I can attune a familiar process of designing products and solutions to a process of developing knowledge and in particular how traditional design methods can be adapted to research methods. I apply a constructive design research methodology in the ‘experiential tradition’ which is described as an epistemic practice where knowledge is generated from “experiential insights and objects resulting from design processes” (Gall Krogh & Koskinen 2020 p. 27). The methodology allows the design researcher to deviate from objective scientific measurements and instead apply a first-person perspective and keep an openness in the process in order to capture situated and embodied experiences. This corresponds to the development within artistic research and autoethnography which also acknowledge insights coming from the researcher’s own subjectivity, voice, and experiences.

See a selection of projects on
And the ongoing PhD project on:


  • Design
  • Kunsthåndværk
  • Thinking-through-making
  • Materialer
  • Mode og tekstil
  • Proces og metode
  • Æstetisk praksis
  • Auto-ethnografisk metode
  • Kunstnerisk forskning
  • Æstetik og form
  • Atmosfære
  • Farve