Billede af Ruth Baumeister
  • Exners Plads 7

    8000 Aarhus C



Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


ruth baumeister



German (native language)

English & Dutch (excellent)

Italian (fluent)

Danish, French & Latin (reading only)



Dec. 2009          PhD. Arch. History             Delft University of Technology, NL

                                                                  IHAAU, Institute of History of Art, Architecture and Urbanism

1996-1997          NDS Arch. History& Theory                                                          ETH Zürich, CH

                                                                  gta, Institute of Theory and History of Architecture

1987-1994          Dipl. Ing. Arch.                  Technical University Munich, D

                                                                  Faculty of Architecture

1991-1992          Exchange Student               City University of New York, USA

                                                                  Faculty of Architecture


ACADEMIC experience:

Since 2014        Aarhus School of Architecture, DK

                        Professor of History and Theory of Architecture, (MSO)

                        Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, DK

                        Guest Curator

2010-2013         Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam, NL

                        Lecturer of History&Theory

2009-1012         University of Cagliari, IT

Visiting Professor of Architecture

2005-2012         Delft University of Technology, NL

Lecturer& Researcher of History of Art, Architecture, Urbanism


2007-2010         Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

Lecturer of Architecture and Urban Cultures

1997-2005         Bauhaus University Weimar, D

Assistant Professor of Architecture Design and Theory

PROFESSIONAL experience:


1994-96             Studio FvH&P, Berlin, D

Project Designer and Manager


1994                 Studio Daniel Libeskind, Berlin, D

                        Design Architect


1991-93             William McDonough Architects, New York, USA

Project Designer and Researcher


Scientific focus areas:

  • § Postwar Avant-gardes in Art & Architecture
  • § Histiography of Modern Architecture
    • § Tourism& Globalization
    • § 18th Century Institutional Architecture

Independent expertise:

2012                     The National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities& Research Institutions, ANVUR, Italy

                             Peer Reviewer of Research Proposals


2002-2005               European Commission Brussels

                        Expert Advisor for the 5th Research Framework


ruth baumeister


Dec. 2009                PhD. Arch. History             

                                     Delft University of Technology, NL

                                     IHAAU, Institute of History of Art, Architecture and Urbanism

1996-1998               NDS Arch. History& Theory       

                                     ETH Zürich, CH

                                    gta, Institute of Theory and History of Architecture

1987-1994               Dipl. Ing. Arch.                                                       

                                    Technical University Munich, D

                                    Faculty of Architecture

1991-1992               Exchange Student                      

                                    City University of New York, USA

PROFESSIONAL experience:

1994-96                  Studio FvH&P, Berlin, D

                               Project Designer and Manager

1994                       Studio Daniel Libeskind, Berlin, D

                               Design Architect

1991-93                  William McDonough Architects, New York, USA

                               Project Designer and Researcher

Teaching experience:

Since 2014              Aarhus School of Architecture, DK

                                Professor of History and Theory of Architecture, (MSO)

2010-2013               Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam, NL

                                Lecturer of History and Theory of Architecture

2009-2012               University of Cagliari, IT

                                Visiting Professor of Architecture

2005-2012               Delft University of Technology, NL

                                Lecturer& Researcher of History of Art, Architecture, Urbanism

2007-2010               Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

                                Lecturer of Architecture and Urban Cultures

1998-2005               Bauhaus University Weimar, D

                                Assistant Professor of Architecture Design and Theory

Research interests:

Postwar avant-gardes in art and architecture - Asger Jorn & Situationist International –Scandinavian Modernism – Architecture & Tourism – Le Corbusier - Bauhaus – 18th century institutional architecture - Historiography


Guest lectures & presentations:

Venice Biennale 2014: Round Table Discussion with OMA Curators & Stig L. Andersen, IT – Santiago Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago de Chile, CHI – Arts Academy Karlsruhe, D – Upstream Gallery, Amsterdam, NL – Universitá IUAV di Venezia, Venice, IT – Belgium Academy, Rome, IT – Kunsthalle Kiel, D – NTNU, Trondheim, NO – Academy of Architecture, Rotterdam, NL


  • Bygningskunst
  • Historie og kultur
  • Teori og filosofi

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