Projekter pr. år
Personlig profil
Institute for Architecture and Design, Aalborg University, AAU
Ph.D. in urbanism, 2004
Dissertation title: “The City Rediscovered – Tracing Contemporary Urbanism”
Aarhus School of Architecture, AAA
Cand. Arch, MAA (professional degree), 1997
State University of New York at Buffalo, SUNY
Graduate studies in Architecture, 1993
Academic Experience
Associate Professor in Urbanism and Urban Design
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture , KADK, 2017 - present
Aga Khan Visiting Fellow
Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, spring 2010
Associate Professor in Urbanism and Urban Design
Aarhus School of Architecture, AAA, 2007 - 2015
Lecturer and Instructor
Aarhus School of Architecture, AAA, 2006 - 2007
Visiting Scholar
Faculty of Architecture, The University of Sydney, fall 2005
Assistant Professor in Urbanism and Urban Design
Institute of Architecture & Design, Aalborg University, 2003 - 2005
Doctoral Candidate in Urbanism and Urban Design
Institute of Architecture & Design, Aalborg University, 2000 - 2003
Visiting Lecturer
Institute for Urbanism, AHO, Oslo, fall 2000
Teaching Assistant
Aarhus School of Architecture, AAA, 1997 - 2000
Guest Lecturer and Critic
Abedian School of Architecture, Bond University, Queensland, 2017
School of Architecture & Built Environment, The University of Adelaide, 2017
School of Architecture & Design, RMIT University, Melbourne (and Europe) 2014, 2017
Strelka Institute of Media, Architecture & Design, Moscow, 2014
Sint-Lucas School of Architecture, Ghent, 2011, 2013
Performance Design, Roskilde University, RUC, 2011 - present
Technical University of Denmark, DTU, 2010 - present
Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, Cambridge MA, 2009, 2010
Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow, 2009
Institute of Architecture and Design, Aalborg University, AAU, 2007 - present
Harvard Graduate School of Design GSD, Cambridge MA, 2007, 2010
Faculty of Architecture KTH, Stockholm, 2006 - 2009
Faculty of Architecture, The University of Sydney, fall 2005
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design AHO, Norway, 2003 - 2012
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, 2003
The Royal Academy’s School of Architecture, Copenhagen, 2003 - present
Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 2002
Delft School of Architecture, Holland, 2000, 2013
Aarhus Art Academy, Denmark, 1999
Professional Experience
Own practice, BBJ_architecture_urbanism_research, 2011 - present
Affiliated with Architectural Office TRANSFORM, 1997 - 2005
Freelance at Architectural Office Bæk, Simonsen & Aaris, 1997 - 2000
Part-timer at Architectural Office JWH Architects, 1997 - 1998
Globalization, Urban Design and Mobility:
“Indledning” in Nielsen & Jensen (eds): Den Østjyske Millionby, Dansk Byplanlaboratorium, København 2017, pp. 8-15
“Danmarkskort i forandring” in Nielsen & Jensen (eds): Den Østjyske Millionby, Dansk Byplanlaboratorium, København 2017, pp. 16-47
"Masdar City: a critical retrospection" in Under Construction: Logics of Urbanism in the Gulf Region. Wippel, S.; Bromber, K.; Steiner, C. & Krawietz, B. (eds). London Ashgate, Part I, pp. 45-54
“Learning from Dubai: Is it Possible?” in Ahmed Kanna (ed): The Superlative City: Dubai and the Urban Condition in the Early Twenty-First Century, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2013, pp. 48–61
”From Cold War to Arctic Battle?: Interview with Arctic Ambassador Klavs A. Holm (The Foreign Ministry, Copenhagen, May 1st, 2012)”, in Conditions, vol 2012, nr. 11&12, 2012, pp. 88-91
”How I met the President of Inatsisartut”, in Conditions, vol 2012, nr. 11&12, 2012, pp. 40-43
”Independent from Whom?”, in Conditions, vol 2012, nr. 11&12, 2012, pp. 38-39
”Move On!: An interview with Olafur Eliasson”, in Conditions, vol 2012, nr. 11&12, 2012, pp. 246-255
”Organizing Hope”, in Conditions, vol 2012, nr. 11&12, 2012, pp. 192-195 (with Tor Inge Hjemdal)
”Why is Transparency Greenland Necessary?: An interview with Anders Meilvang and Anne Mette Christiansen”, in Conditions, vol 2012, nr. 11&12, 2012, pp. 28-31
”Det midlertidiges arkitektur” (with K. Østergaard Bang), in Arkitekten, vol 113, nr. 08, 2011, pp. 35-39
”Tour de Force 2001”, in Harlang, Christoffer; Kristensen, Peter Thule; Müller, Anna (eds.): Arkitektursyn: Danske arkitekturmanifester 1901-2008. København: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole, Inst. 1, 2009, pp. 275-296
”Astana – Steppens Dubai”, Arkitekten, nr. 15, 2008, pp. 36-43
”Case Study Dubai – Or Learning from Junk Space Deluxe”, in Verb Crisis, no. 6, Actar, Barcelona 2008, pp. 20-37
Dubai - Dynamics of Bingo Urbanism, The Architectural Publisher B, Copenhagen 2007, (160 pages).
”Fun Shopping: On Architecture and Consumer Culture” in, Marling, Gitte & Zerlang, Martin (eds.): Fun City, The Danish Architectural Press 2007, pp. 175–194
”Turisme, arkitektur og det spektakulære samfund”, in Arkitekten, no. 13, 2006, pp. 37-43
”Learning from Canberra”, in Arkitekten no. 01, January 2006, pp. 42-46
Byen genopdaget: - på sporet af den nutidige by, Ph.D.-afhandling, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Aalborg 2004, (280 pages).
“Case Study Sukhumvit Line – or learning from Bangkok” in Albertsen, Hemmersam and Nielsen (eds.): URBAN MUTATIONS - Periodization, Scales and Mobilities, Arkitektskolens Forlag 2004, pp. 184–218
”Junkspace De Luxe”, in Arkitekten, no. 15, 2003, pp. 2-11
”Fortællinger om den moderne asiatiske storby” in Arkitekten, no. 26, 2002, pp. 24-29
”Transurbanisme”, in Arkitekten, no. 02, 2002, pp. 2–3
”Tour de force”, in Arkitekten, no. 15, 2001, pp. 2–9
Architectural Theory and Methodology:
“What is Conceptualism?”, in Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss (ed): Adventures in Conceptualism, Arvinius+Orfeus, Stockholm, 2017, pp. 136-147
“The Frankenstein Complex”, in asBUILT no 14, The Teachers’ Union Conference Center, Element Arkitekter, Pax Publishers Oslo, 2016, pp. 12-24
“Foreword”, in BB Jensen (red.): Reiulf Ramstad Architects: Selected Works. Hatje Cantz Verlag, p. 7
“Under the Skin: An Introspective Portrait”, in B. B. Jensen (ed.): Reiulf Ramstad Architects: Selected Works. Hatje Cantz Verlag, pp. 58-63
“Boris Brorman Jensen in Conversation with Reiulf Ramstad”, in B. B. Jensen (ed.): Reiulf Ramstad Architects: Selected Works. Hatje Cantz Verlag, pp. 246-255
”Out of Holland? - Opposing a Linear Genealogy”, in A+U, No. 505, September 2012, pp. 56-59
”An indefinite Dynamic Landscape”, in Conditions, vol 2012, nr. 11&12, 2012, pp. 228-229
”Armelle Caron maps of Nuuk, Sisimiut and Ittoqqortoormiit” (with Minik Rosing) in Conditions, vol 2012, nr. 11&12, 2012, pp. 196-199
”The Prelude to the Breakthrough”, in Vindum & Weiss (eds.) The New Wave In Danish Architecture, Danish Architectural Press, 2012, pp. 127-133
”Optakten til gennembruddet: The Pragmatic Turn in Danish Architecture of the 00’s”, in Arkitektur DK, vol 02/2012, 2012, pp. 90-93
”Bridging into New Territories”, in N De Rue & C Bessard (eds.): Powerhouse Company Book: Ouvertures – The First Six Years of Powerhouse Company. Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin 2011, pp. 11-13
”When Context is an event”, in A.S Jakobsen (ed.): Context 2010/2011: Aarhus Documents 02. vol. 02, Arkitekskolens Forlag, Aarhus 2011, pp. 8-9. Aarhus Documents, vol. 2
”What’s New?: Boris Brorman Jensen (the Aarhus School of Architecture) in conversation with Mikkel Frost, Carsten Primdahl and Kolja Nielsen, AKA CEBRA”, in M Frost (ed.): CEBRA Files 02. Aarhus 2011, pp. 16-21
”Industriarkitektur efter industrialismen 1960 - 1980”, in T Birket-Smith (ed.): Industri Arkitektur, Arkitekturforlaget B, København 2010, pp. 111-128
”Is Yes more? - Interview”, in Conditions, no. 03, 2010, pp. 90–95
“Mod en kritisk pragmatisme/Toward a Critical Pragmatism”, in Arkitektur DK, no. 06, 2009, pp. 2–7
”Astana on My Mind”, i Gadanho, Pedro (ed.): Beyond – Scenarios and Speculations, nr. 01, 2009, pp. 62–71
”BIG’s Ørestad-Trilogie VM-Häuser, «Mountain», «Big House» – drei Wohnbauten von Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG)”, in Werk, Bauen und Wohnen, no. 10, 2008, pp 30-37
”Mulitkulturalisme og arven efter High-Tech – interview med David Adjaye”, Arkitekten, no. 07, 2008, pp. 37-47
”Behind the scenes at Effekt”, in Arkitektur DK, no.05, 2006, pp. 324–331
”Dunska architektura dzis” /(Den danske arkitekturscene lige nu), in Architectura Murator, no. 06, 2006, pp. 6–10
“Ænder i landskabet/Ducks in the landscape”, in Arkitektur DK, no. 03, 2006, pp. 168–173
”Metopos har en mission”, Interview in ARKFOKUS, no. 02, 2006, pp. 10-11
”Konsumkultur”, in Arkitekten, no.11, 2005, pp. 9–15
”Pragmatisme – interview with Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown” in Arkitekten, no. 02, 2004, pp. 15-19
”Frisk konservatisme – interview with Roemer van Toorn” in Arkitekten, no. 02, 2004, pp. 20-25
”Bynære landsskabspotentialer – problemformulering”, in H. Welling et al. (eds.): Bolig og byforskning – metoder og processer, in Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole Institut for Planlægning 2004, pp. 50–57
”Honesty inverted /Ærlighed på hovedet”, in Arkitektur DK, no. 6, 2003, pp. 366–385
”MonoLab”, in Arkitekten no. 02, 2002, pp. 6–9
“Byen som mall - mall’en som by”, (with Hemmersam & Nielsen) in Arkitekten no. 13, 2000, pp. 26-28
”Den Østjyske Millionby - stadig uden plan”, in Byplan Nyt, 15. årgang, marts 2017, pp. 14-15
“Forbilledlig arkitekturformidling”, in Arkitekten no. 02, 2017 p. 14-15
“Om kunsten at tegne et byhus”, in Arkitekten no. 11, 2016 p. 56-61
“FN Byen på Marmormolen”, in temp no. 10, 2015 p.143-14
“En ny generation af stationsbyer på vej?”, in Arkitekten no. 03, 2015 p. 46-52
“Aarhus Ø(V)”, in Arkitekten no. 12, 2014 p. 35
”Udvikling af strategier” (with Jensen, BB, Hjemdal, TI, Melsom, A & Sa Lima), in Sermitsiaq, vol 2012, nr. 34, pp. 24-25
”Healthcare centre, Copenhagen: NORD presents an alternative to mammoth hospitals: a recuperative kind of architecture”, in A10, vol #44, nr. March/April 2012, s. 23-24
”Planlægning i uvishedens lys”, in Byplan Nyt, vol 9. årgang 2011, nr. 5, pp. 8-10
”The Harvard Recipe: Interview with Mohsen Mostafavi”, in Conditions, vol #8, nr. 2011, pp. 82-87
”Introducing BIG”, in BIG. 1. edition, Archilife, Korea, 2010, pp. 12-13
”The Function of Architecture: Interview with Farshid Moussavi”, in Conditions, nr. 4, 2010, pp. 92-96
”The future of competitions: tell them what they need” (with Bates, G, Jensen, BB & Miessen), in Conditions, nr. 7, 2010, pp. 50-54
”Hvad er Archicomic?”, Arkitekten no. 04, 2009, pp. 18-19
”Mod et nyt paradigme?”, Arkitekten no. 15, 2007, p. 3
”Er risikosamfundets arkitektur i fare?”, Arkitekten no. 13, 2007, pp. 28-29
”Sanseerfaring, kunstfilosofi og hverdagsæstetik”, Arkitekten no. 03, 2007, pp. 34-35
”Globale Kort”, in Arkitekten no. 12, 2006, pp. 74-75
”Lyspunkter i produktionslandskabet/ A ray of hope in the production landscape”, in Arkitektur DK, nr. 5, 2005, pp. 280-286.
”Med skriften som prisme”, review of Rasmus Rune Nielsens ’Rem Koolhaas – Learning from Manhattan’, in Nordisk Arkitekturforskning, no. 3, 2004, pp. 91-92
”Industrifascination”, in Arkitekten no. 20, 2002, p. 45
”Komposition som arkitektonisk utopi”, in AAA Forum, Aarhus 1997, pp. 14-15
Exhibitions Texts and other Texts on Physical Display:
ART OF MANY - THE RIGHT TO SPACE, catalogue for the official Danish contribution to the 15th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Danish Architectural Centre, 2016, 520 pages.
”Hyperabia - om byrum og arkitektur i De Forenede Arabiske Emirater”, in Arab Contemporary Exhibition Catalogue, 2014, pp. 224-237
Possible Greenland, Catalogue for the official Danish contribution to the 13th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Danich Architectural Centre, august 2012, 258 pages (editor with Conditions Magazine).
Yes is More: An Archicomic on Architectural Evolution, Exhibition Catalog, Ingels, Bjarke; Brorman Jensen, Boris; Ginsberg, Elisabeth; Pahhota, Darja ; Zahle, David; Johansson, Hanna; Pedersen, Andreas; Bergman, Kai-Uwe (eds.), København: BIG ApS, 2009. 397 pages.
”City Wall Xian”, in Valeur, Henrik (ed.) (2006): CO- EVOLUTION – Danish/Chinese, Collaboration on Sustainable Urban Development in China, DAC, The Danish Architecture Centre, 2006 pp. 149–173, (with TRANSFORM).
Shopping City, exhibition on the interaction between architecture and art in the city, at Architectural Gallery BOX 2.0 December – January 2005, in Johannesen, Gitte et al. (eds.) (2005): Box 2.0 – Kunst og arkitektur i samarbejde, Arkitekturforlaget B. pp. 46–56, (with TRANSFORM).
”Bangkok Songline”, in Imagecity: Formal and Informal Networks, exhibition catalogue, the Royal Academy’s School of Architecture, Copenhagen, August 2003. (No pagination).
”TRANSFORM, H-City - Urban Landscapes of Communications and Exchange”, in Chen, Si & Douglas, Tong Hsu (eds.): FEIDAD, Publisher, Taipei 2001, pp. 213-215, (with TRANSFORM).
”Aarhus - Las Vegas”, in Hemmersam, Jensen & Nielsen: ] Aarhus – Las Vegas[, exhibition catalogue for Architectural Gallery Gammeldok 2000, 31 pages.
”Transform” in exhibition catalogue for “International Competition of Ideas - Citta - terzo millenium”, la Biennale di Venezia, Marsilio, Venice 2000, pp. 376–379, (with TRANSFORM).
”Liquid Edge” in exhibition catalogue for the Architectural Triennale in Oslo Sept. 2000, pp. 102-107, (with TRANSFORM).
”Med infrastrukturen som omdrejningspunkt”, in exhibition catalogue for ’Efterårsudstillingen’ Charlottenborg 1999, (with TRANSFORM). (No pagination).
Exhibitions and Curatorial Work
@15th Biennale di Venezia / co-curator with Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
Architectural Curator
@ KULTURMØDET - The City of Nykøbing Mors, Denmark
ARAB CONTEMPORARY – Architecture, Culture and Identity, 2014
@ Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk
CO-EVOLUTION – Danish/Chinese, Collaboration on Sustainable Urban Development in China, 2006
@10th Biennale di Venezia / with Transform
City Syd – flugtveje til byen, 2005
@ Architectural Gallery Box 2.0 with Transform and Peter Holst Henckel
Imagecity: Formal and Informal Networks, 2003
@ Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen
Liquid Edge, 2000
@ Architectural Triennial in Oslo / with Space Group and Transform
Models of Resistance, 2000
@ Galleri Overgaden / with Transform
Rummets Udspænding - Byens Udstrækning, 2000
@ AAA exhibition / with TRANSFORM
]Aarhus – Las Vegas[, 2000
@ Architectural Gallery, Danish Architectural Centre / with Peter Hemmersam & Tom Nielsen
Imagining the H-City, 1999
@ the Autumn Exhibition, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen / with Transform
Architectural Competitions
New Telemark Museum in Skien, Norway, 2016
2nd price / with COBE and TRANSFORM
Landscape Strategy for Eastern Jutland, 2015
Initial prospect / with Professor Tom Nielsen
Master Plan Prospect for ‘Morsø Multipark’, 2015
Prequalified commission / with jaja Architects
Strategic Plan for Allinge and ‘The Folk-Meeting’ in Bornholm, 2015
Prequalified competition / with Schønherr landscape & jaja Architects
Private Villa in Hinnerup, Aarhus, 2015
Sketch proposal, direct commission
New Theatre in Nykøbing Mors, 2015
Sketch proposal / with CEBRA Architects
‘Framtidsbilder: Trondheim’, Trondheim Municipality, 2014
Prequalified competition / with C. F. Møller Architects & jaja Architects
A future urban space in Gellerup, Aarhus Municipality, 2014
Prequalified competition / with SLA, Effekt, COWI, Social Action & GAM3
A New City Centre in Kiruna, 2012
Prequalified competition / with COBE, Kragh & Berglund, Moe & Brødsgård, Yngve Andrén Konsult
Erhvervskorridoren ved Silkeborg, 2012
Second phase / with Møller & Grønborg and Transform
Et byrumsforløb mellem Svendborg bymidte og havn, 2012
Prequalified competition / with SLA, Public arkitekter, 2+1 IDEBUREAU, Rene Kural
Søndermarken, Vejle / Fremtidens Forstæder, 2012
1. price / with Transform and SLA
City in between / Fremtidens Forstæder, Aalborg Øst, 2012
Prequalified competition / with COBE, MVRDV, Kragh & Berglund, Moe & Brødsgård, Yngve Andrén Konsult
Farum i udvikling / Fremtidens Forstæder, 2012
Prequalified competition / with BIG, Grontmij, Thing & Wainø
Conference and Congress Centre in Madrid, 2007
3. price / with Arkitema
Performing Arts Center, Kristiansand, 2005
2. price / with Transform
Byområde i Lisbjerg, Denmark, 2003
Honourable mentioning / with Transform
Prags Boulevard, Copenhagen, 2002
3. price / with Transform
Hyperblock, Lelystad. Europan 6, 2001
Honourable mentioning / with Transform
Master plan for Aarhus Harbour, Denmark, 1999
Open competition / with Transform, Exfolio Svein Tønsager
Byens fremtid / The Future of the City, 1999
Danish Arts Foundation Award Competition / with Transform
Rådhus med hovedbibliotek og flerkinoanlæg i Tromsø, Norway, 1999
Open competition / with Transform
Idekonkurrence om et boligområde i Sorø, 1999
4. price in open competition / with Transform
Fremtidens daginstitutioner, 1997
Open competition / with Transform and Søren Gornitzka
Parcelhuset som arkitektur, 1998
Danish Arts Foundation Award Competition / with Mette Nygaard & Jes Dombernowsky
Fleksible boliger / Flexible Housing, 1998
Honourable mentioning in open competition / with JWH Architects
Århus Stadion, 1997
2. price in open competition / with JWH Architects
Boligområde ved Bjørnemosevej, Odense, 1997
2. price in open competition / with JWH Architects
‘Alternative Ways of Living’ organised by, Hjørring Municipality, 2017
‘The Attractive Town Centre’ in Grenå, Nordjurs Municipality, 2015
Aabenraa – fremtidens købstad, Aabenraa Kommune & Realdania, 2013
Member of Nykredits Arkitekturprisudvalg, 2010 - 2013
Independent expert/nominator for the “Mies van der Rohe Prize”, 2012 - present
The Future of Competitions - Tell Them What They Need, Conditions Magazine, 2010
Parallelopdrag for Gellerup, Aarhus Municipality, 2008
Architectural Design Ideas Competition, Károlyi István Town Center, Budapest, 2008
Member of the “Diploma Jury”, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design AHO, Norway, 2007 - 2011
CityXport, student competition, AAA, 2006
Latvia’s Architectural Association – “Annual Award 2004”, 2004
Honorary office
Member of BLOX HUB Sciense Forum’s Advisory Board, Copenhagen, 2017 – present
Member of Musicon’s Advisory Board, Roskilde Municipality, 2015 - present
Board member of The Danish Town Planning Institute / Dansk Byplanlaboratorium, 2014 - 2018
Appointed jury for the Danish Architectural Association, AA, 2013 - present
Board member of Ministeriet for By, Bolig og Landdistrikters tænketank: “Fællesskabet og BYEN 2025”, 2013 - 2014
Elected member of The School Board, Aarhus School of Architecture, AAA, 2012 - present
Board member of the Danish Ministry of Culture’s Research Board, 2011
Member of the editorial board of Conditions magazine, 2010 - 2012
Head of the editorial board of “Arkitekten” magazine, 2011 - 2013
Member of Kunstnersamfundet / Danish Art Society, 2008 - present
Board member of The School Council, Aarhus School of Architecture, AAA, 2007 - 2011
Board member of the Mayors Think Tank on Infrastructure and Urban Development, Aarhus Municipality, 2007 - 2009
Board member of the Association of Danish Architects, 2004 - 2007
Board member of the council for Aalborg Municipality’s Architectural Forum, 2004 - 2006
Member of the editorial board of “Arkitekten” magazine, 2003 - 2011
Member of SBS & “Byplanlaboratoriets Forstadspanel”, 2003 - 2005
Grants and Scholarships
Travel grant from Danish Arts Foundation / Statens Kunstfond, 2017
Annual work grant from the Danish Arts Foundation / Statens Kunstfond, 2013
Project & production grant from the Dreyer Foundation, 1993, 2003, 2012
Scholarship to Harvard Graduate School of Design from the Dreyer Foundation, 2010
Project & production grant from the Danish Arts Foundation / Statens Kunstfond, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2009
Travel grant from Lemvig Müller & Munck’s Foundation, 2003, 2010
Scholarship and travel grant from Knud Højgaard’s Foundation, 1993, 2003
Travel grant from Christian & Ottilia Brorson’s Foundation, 2003, 2010
Travel grant from Esther & Jep Fink’s Foundation, 2006
- By
- Bygningskunst
- Historie og kultur
- Landskab
- Teori og filosofi
- Æstetik og form
- 11 Afsluttet
Mapping urban density for sustainable development in Copenhagen
Ribeiro, G. (PI) & Jensen, B. B. (PI)
03/08/2020 → 31/12/2021
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Via Nordica
Hjortshøj, R. (Projektdeltager), Jensen, B. B. (Projektdeltager) & Carruth, S. (Projektdeltager)
01/08/2017 → 01/05/2018
Projekter: Projekt › Andet
DET ARABISKE NU - Arkitektur, kultur og identitet
Jensen, B. B. (Projektdeltager)
01/11/2012 → 31/01/2014
Projekter: Projekt › Andet
Fil -
Resilient Landscapes of Energy in West Greenland
Carruth, S. (Projektdeltager), Jensen, B. B. (Andet) & Krogh, P. (Projektdeltager)
03/09/2012 → 28/08/2015
Projekter: Projekt › Ph.d. projekt
The Watershed and the Groundwater Biopsies: Catchment and groundwater investigations
Wiberg, K. M., Knudsen, N. (Udvikler), Gjorgjievski, N. (Andet), Jensen, B. B. (Andet), Toelbjerg Bjerre, S. (Producent) & Saabye, A. (Producent), 19 maj 2023Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstform › Værk › Forskning
Bygningen, der favner livet: Et besøg på Danmarks første nybyggede børnehospice sætter tanker i gang
Jensen, B. B., 30 jun. 2021, I: Dagbladet Politiken. s. Kultur s. 1-2 2 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Bidrag til avis - Anmeldelse
Coronaen har afsløret den måde, vi bygger byer på: Et arkitekturoprør er gået i gang
Jensen, B. B., 15 maj 2021, I: Dagbladet Politiken. s. Kultur 6-7 2 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Bidrag til avis - Kommentar/debat
Cubo: En Indlevende Arkitektur
Jensen, B. B., 1 sep. 2021, Stockholm: Arvinius+Orfeus . 255 s.Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Afhandling / Rapport › Bog › Formidling
I spidsen for de klassiske dyder
Jensen, B. B., 7 jun. 2021, I: Politiken. s. Navne s. 8 1 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Bidrag til avis - Avisartikel
Debat om verdens udfordringer
Jensen, B. B. (Deltager)
3 nov. 2021Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
Jensen, B. B. (Deltager)
7 okt. 2021 → 8 okt. 2021Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed › Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Aarhus Festuge
Jensen, B. B. (Deltager)
30 aug. 2021Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed › Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Arkitekten (Tidsskrift)
Jensen, B. B. (Redaktør)
1 jul. 2021 → 1 okt. 2021Aktivitet: Peer-review/fagfællebedømmelse og redaktionelt arbejde › Redaktør af tidsskrift › Formidling
Medlem af følgegruppe for projekt Byudvikling og trafikstøj
Jensen, B. B. (Konsulent)
1 mar. 2021 → 1 jul. 2021Aktivitet: Rådgivning › Rådgivning
Politiken Byrums guide til sommer i Danmark: En minister, en arkitekturanmelder og 10 andre anbefaler 3 seværdigheder
1 Mediebidrag