

The overall theme of the project is the density of the City of Copenhagen - its function, expression and relevance. The purpose is to investigate the development of the density of the city, and to show how the urban structure has changed over time in the different districts.

The project will map historical movements regarding Copenhagen's (planned and organic) development, and investigate whether it is possible to set future scenarios for the city's physical density across neighborhoods. Along the way, the question is examined whether there are optimal densities and urban structures, and what tools (if any?) can help to realize the scenarios.

The project can be divided into several sub-topics / studies, where a closer focus is placed on developments in urban structures and new trends in, among other things. population development, economy and jobs, transport infrastructure and mobility. For instance:

Density and functional relations:
How has the density changed in relation to the functional changes during the same period? What role do uses and functions play in perception of density?

Density and sustainability:
Shedding light on density in relation to different concepts of sustainability - environmental, economic and social sustainability. How does the density support the green transition and political ambitions? Is density sustainable and how much does it cost? Is dense and green urban development realistic in Copenhagen? How does the density support a sustainable city on different parameters?

The approach to mapping the above-described spatial relationships and conditions will be exploratory and an important part of the project will be the investigation of different types of mapping techniques and approaches. In that connection, the project group will work in close collaboration with the Spanish architect firm 300.000 km/s that has produced extensive work in the field of mapping and data visualization for the City of Barcelona and the City of Madrid, amongst others.


The analysis of different data sets (such as Google Places, Flickr, AirBnB, BBR register, amongst others) indicates particular challenges concerning access to green areas, public space, exposure to air pollution, amongst others. Analysis is ongoing and will lead to more specific findings


Public spaces in Copenhagen are increasingly challenged as the city grows and becomes more dense.
Kort titelCPH Density Mapping
Effektiv start/slut dato03/08/202031/12/2021