Projekter pr. år
Personlig profil
Peter Gall Krogh is educated as architect and is Professor in Design at the Aarhus School of Architecture in Denmark where he heads the research and teaching platform “REform – shaping change”. His work is marked by a continuous effort to bridge academic, artistic, commercial and social interests in experiments and research; pointing to solutions that enable people to pursue desirable and profitable cultural changes both large and small scale - social innovation for sustainability.
He has participated and led a wide range of educational programs and research projects in both academia and industry with the focus of integrating services, IT and physical artifacts and spaces. The projects are characterized by processes of co-creation and participatory design embracing a solution space including product, service, interaction design, architecture and urban planning.
Positions held:
1993 - 1998 Industrial designer at Pelikan Design, Copenhagen and Raunkjær Kjærgaard Aarhus.
1998 – 2000 Research assistant Aarhus School of Architecture
2001 – 2003 Assistant Professor Aarhus School of Architecture
2004 – 2008 Associate Professor Aarhus School of Architecture
2008 – 2009 Head of Innovation Interaction design, Alexandra Institute A/S
2009 – 2010 Associate Professor Aarhus School of Architecture
2010 - Professor Aarhus School of Architecture
2012 autumn Visiting Professor Politecnico di Milano INDACO, Advanced Design
2013 spring Visiting Professor TU/ Eindhoven, Industrial Design, Designing quality in interaction
Research interests include:
Social Innovation for Sustainability; tools and techniques for people involvement in design (Co-design);
Design and use of physical artefacts and spaces for interaction with computers in pervasive computing taking departure in the exploitation of bodily experiences and sensations for interacting with computers encompassed by the concept of Aesthetic Interaction.
Citizen engagement in urban development processes with a particular focus on novel strategies for unfortunate cities and regions,
Projects and management:
Current projects
- Head of DESIS lab in Aarhus (designing Social Innovation for Sustainability)
- Head of the REform Platform at Aarhus School of Architecture:
- Cluster promotor in DESIS for Distributed and open Production (DoP)
- Member of Centre for Strategic City research, with the interest og bridging design and urban planning methods interests and techniques
- DemokraCity project together with Aarhus Municipality
- Head of AAA contribution to IT-education at AU Science and Technology involving 4 senior researchers and teachers. (2007 – current)
- Constructive Design Research - Developing design and architecture based Ph.d. courses.
In the academic career managing and co-managing research grants for more than Dkr. 30 mil with budget totals of more than Dkr. 70 mil.
Previous projects
Educational projects:
- Co-manager together with Professor Uffe Lentz of the educational program: Interactive Spaces, sponsered by the Ministry of Culture in Denmark. (1999- 2000).
- Site-manager of the EU-funded Culture2000 educational program SPARK! (2002 – 2004). Entitled: Designing for unfortunate cities and regions – When traditional Industries leave, what will take its place?
Research projects
- Projectmanager of AAA’s share of the EU-funded WorkSPACE project under 5th Framework Program. (2001 – 2003). Other participants: Computer Science Aarhus University, Sociology Lancaster University
Centre for Interactive Spaces. Co-manager of Centre for Interactive Spaces (2004 – current), responsible for the AAA activities across the centre.
- Project Manager of “Fremtidens Hybride Bibliotek” (#112) and “Children’s Interactive Library” (#124). Supported by ISIS Katrinebjerg
- Project manager of “[IXP] Interactive Experience Spaces” Supported by the Danish “IT-Korridor”.
- Project participant in: the I-Home project, the I-School project and the Normadic Learning project.
- Project participant in the iSport research project supported by ISIS Katrinebjerg (2007 – 2009). Participants: Virklund Sports, Zentropa, MerCon, Active Institute, Computer Science Aarhus University.
- Design research manager of the Mobile Home Centre project (2007 – 2010) sponsored by the Danish Advanced Technology Foundation. Participants: Computer Science Aarhus University, Alexandra Institute, Bang & Olufsen
- The Danish Design Award 2004: Visionprize for the interactive floor: iFloor
- Best paper Award OzChi 2004 Gitte Lindgaard award for “Help Me Pull That Cursor”, Co authored with Andreas Lykke-Olesen and Martin Ludvigsen.
- RED DOT award 2006. For the ”Knowledge well”.
- The Nordes best-paper and best presentation award 2007.
Boards and committees:
- General board of (2001 – 2002)
- Appointed member of the research board at the Aarhus school of Architecture (2001 – 2002 & 2011 - current)
- Managing board of Master Class for Professional Danish designers (2000 - 2002)
- Member of the organizing committee for the 4th decennial Aarhus Conference:
- Program co-chair of the 1st Nordic conference on Design Research
- Conference Program Committee member of: NODEM, Nordes, Tangible and Embodied Interaction
- General Conference co-chair DIS 2010.
- DC chair of Praxis and Peotics 2013 (Newcastle)
- DC chair of DRS 2014 (Umeå)
- Member of Nordes Board:
- External Examiner of B.Sc. in Digital Media Design at University of Limerick, Ireland (concluded 2011).
- Member of SAAB (Scientific and Artistic Advisory Board) Aalto University
- Member of National PhD board hosted by “Danske Universiteter” (RKU representative) 2010 – 2012
- Member of Coordination Committee of Danish Centre for Design Research 2010 - 2012
- Member for the Scientific advisory board for the Research Centre: Internet of Things and People at Malmö University
- Served as committee member of more than 10 ph.d.’s
- Served as committee member on professorship positions: KADK, Kolding, Aalborg, Swinburne University, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Aalto University Helsinki.
- Proces og metode
- Research Through Design
- Forskeruddannelse
- Social Innovation
- Etnometodologi
- Industriel design
- Brugsforståelse
- Open fabrication
- Bæredygtig adfærd
- Teknologi og digital design
- Interaktionsdesign
- Æstetik og form
- Pragmatisk Æstetik
- By
- Borgerinddragelse
- Møbel- og rumdesign
- Dirstribueret produktion
- 18 Afsluttet
DOP: Distributed and open Production
Krogh, P. (Projektdeltager), Maffei, S. (Projektdeltager), Seravali, A. (Projektdeltager), Ehn, P. (Projektdeltager), Cooper, R. (Projektdeltager), Ding, J. (Projektdeltager) & Dos Santo, A. (Projektdeltager)
31/08/2013 → 31/12/2015
Projekter: Projekt › Andet
Desis lab Aarhus - Reform
Krogh, P. (Projektdeltager)
01/02/2013 → 31/12/2015
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Resilient Landscapes of Energy in West Greenland
Carruth, S. (Projektdeltager), Jensen, B. B. (Andet) & Krogh, P. (Projektdeltager)
03/09/2012 → 28/08/2015
Projekter: Projekt › Ph.d. projekt
Basics in Constructive Design research
Krogh, P. (Projektdeltager), Markussen, T. (Projektdeltager), Bang, A. L. (Projektdeltager), Ludvigsen, M. (Projektdeltager) & Nørgaard, M. (Projektdeltager)
16/04/2012 → 31/12/2013
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Sletten: Rethinking Urban Habitats through creative management and social engagement
Boris, S. D. & Krogh, P., 16 jul. 2016, Human Smart Cities: Rethinking the Interplay between Design and Planning. Concilio, G. & Rizzo, F. (red.). Springer Publishing Company, s. 203-210 8 s. (Urban and Landscape Perspectives, Bind 19).Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Design Accountability: When Design Research entangles Theory and Practice
Koskinen, I. & Krogh, P., 30 apr. 2015, I: International Journal of Design. vol 9, 1, s. 121-127 7 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgang -
On What Grounds? An intra-disciplinary account of evaluation in research through design
Krogh, P. G., Markussen, T. & Bang, A. L., 2 nov. 2015. 15 s.Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Paper › Forskning › peer review
Ways of Drifting: 5 Methods of Experimentation in Research through Design
Krogh, P. G., Markussen, T. & Bang, A. L., 2015, ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries: Theory, Research Methodology, Aesthetics, Human Factors and Education.. Chakrabarti, A. (red.). Springer Publishing Company, Bind Vol. 1. s. 39-50 12 s.Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Konferencebidrag i proceedings › Forskning › peer review
An Architectural Approach towards Innovative Renewable Energy Infrastructure in Kapisillit, Greenland
Carruth, S. & Krogh, P., 3 nov. 2014. 6 s.Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Paper › Forskning › peer review
Den Danske Design Pris 2004: Visionsprisen
Krogh, P. (Modtager), Lykke-Olesen, A. (Modtager), Ludvigsen, M. (Modtager) & Nielsen, K. R. (Modtager), 22 okt. 2004
Pris: Priser
PhD seminar: Tara Mullaney
Krogh, P. (Censor)
13 maj 2015Aktivitet: Andre aktivitetstyper › Ekstern undervisning og censoraktivitet
Design Research Foundations (Tidsskrift)
Krogh, P. (Redaktør)
30 apr. 2015 → …Aktivitet: Peer-review/fagfællebedømmelse og redaktionelt arbejde › Redaktør af uafslutttet antologi/samleværk › Forskning
Constructive design research
Krogh, P. (Taler)
24 apr. 2015Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed › Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Phd bedømmelsesudvalg (Ekstern organisation)
Krogh, P. (Formand)
20 mar. 2015 → 1 nov. 2015Aktivitet: Medlemskab › Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg
Malmö universitet, Medea (Ekstern organisation)
Krogh, P. (Medlem)
15 feb. 2015 → …Aktivitet: Medlemskab › Medlemskab af udvalg, råd og nævn
Design skaber fremtiden:
1 Mediebidrag