Billede af Astrid Mody

Astrid Mody


Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


I work with the cross-disciplinary field of architecture and design with a special focus and interest in materials (textiles), technology (light), sustainability and design methods.


Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

PhD, “Textilisations of Light - Using Textile Logics to Expand the Use of LED technology From a Technololy of Display towards a Technology of Spatial Orientation” in cooperation with CITA and Philips Research, NL, CITA - Centre for Information Technology and Architecture


Swedish School of Textiles

okt. 2011dec. 2011

Architecture, Cand. Arch, architect maa


Architecture, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London



  • Materialer
  • Teknologi og digital design
  • Proces og metode
  • Design
  • Bygningskunst

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