TEXTILISATIONS - Pleated Sound & Woven Light



    Imagine if you could walk into an LED screen. Imagine light pixels expanding and enclosing around you.
    Woven Light demonstrates how a media screen could inhabit a space. It explores how media screens not only could be limited to one side of the building but also could become spatial structures in its own right.
    Woven Light is a flexible plug and play system. It consists of only two components: LED nodes and varying lengths of connective silicone tubing. Woven Light has been deployed to make a site-specific installation.
    The system is part of a lager research trajectory, exploring how textiles might extend the use of LED technology from being display orientated towards more spatial orientated.
    Extended description:
    Woven Light demonstrates how it could be to walk into and inhabit an LED screen.
    It innovates the state of the art:
    In Woven Light a digital pixel gains a new spatial agency, mean that passers by do not just look at the pixel – as known from usual media screens – but can engage with it: Walk along it, look inside/through it and enter its spatiality.
    It links two modes of interaction: user-driven with nature-driven interaction
    The technology, wireless control PCB (Philips Hue Compatible Light source) and the mobile app Philips Hue are customized, expanding technology in regard to the LEDs connected to the PCB (4 LEDs instead of 3), the amount of LEDs controlled by the app (60 nodes with 4 LEDs instead than 1 light) and its dual mode of control (see 2).
    It connects design development with specification and fabrication; meaning that the system provides a customized component and a parametric design tool, enabling specification of different parameters as e.g. surface geometry, grid distance, perforations and proximity points.
    The system has been deployed to make a site-specific installation:
    • A layered, tensile structure, built by two components: 180 3D-printed LED nodes and varying lengths of connective silicone tubing.
    • Two modes of interaction, user-driven with nature-driven interaction:
    60 nodes are user-controllable reg. individual control and group control in regard to lightness/darkness, time and moods as well as to allow the translation of pixels within an image or film to still or moving content.
    120 nodes contain light sensors and are responsive to the light in the space and the light of their neighbours.
    • It is sustainable in its power consumption, which is a tenth of similar systems as a consequence of its tectonics:
    Woven Light operationalizes textile logic of continuity to the logic of energy and control: A net of connected springs of + and – and connective nodes. The system does not need any extra cabling – just a power connection to 6,5 V.
    Effektiv start/slut dato05/06/201401/08/2014


    • kunstnerisk udviklingsarbejde