Projects per year
Personal profile
Curriculum vitae
My academic focus is on strategic urban planning and sustainable urban development. I have researched and published peer-reviewed articles and books within these topics. I also have practical experience with urban planning and strategic planning through:
• Work as a strategic planner for the City of Copenhagen (Finance Administration and Technical and Environmental Administration),
• Urban development projects and competitions in Denmark and abroad
• Director for the program CITIES in the Danish Architecture Center, where I have developed courses, exhibitions, dissemination platforms, etc. Here I would like to highlight the course for top excutives in Danish municipalities on Strategic City Management, the digital platform for sustainable projects Sustainable Cities, and the project on architecture and urbanism in Copenhagen Copenhagen X.
I have a broad teaching experience at all levels from bachelor's, master's, master's and PhD levels, and have contributed to developing teaching programs at these levels.
I have a solid experience of fundraising and have been awarded support for research and other projects both through my academic work and my work as program idrector in the Danish Architecture Center. In this connection, I cultivate a broad network that includes, higher education institutions, municipalities, foundations, private companies (design firms, etc.), other organizations in Denmark and internationally.
2021 - Ribeiro, G; Andrade, V; and Hoppe, D "Walkability Index for the City of Rio de Janeiro: Lessons and Strategic Potential. Peer-reviewed Journal Article. In preparation.
2020 - Ribeiro, G. “Strategic Planning and the New Climate Regime” in Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss (editor) Climate – Change for a Sustainable Future. Arkitektens Forlag: Copenhagen
2017 - Ribeiro, G; Andrade, V; Linke C and Hoppe, D “Índice de caminhabilidade: Avaliação na escala do bairro. In Andrade, Linke (editors) A Caminhabilidade no Brasil e no Mundo. Babilônia, Rio de Janeiro.
2016 - Indice de Caminhabilidade - Aplicação Piloto (Walkability Index for Rio de Janeiro Municipality and the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy). ITDP Publications peer reviewed
2016 - Índice de Caminhabilidade- Ferramenta (Walkability Index for Rio de Janeiro Municipality and the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy). ITDP Publications peer reviewed
2013 - Danish Architecture Centre, Guide to New Architecture in Copenhagen. Forord og programledelse
2013 - Ribeiro, G. ”Strategic Urban Governance, Bilbao Revisited”, Arkitektur DK 01 2013
2012 - Hvad vil provinsbyer? – byroller og bymidter i forvandring. Statusrapport marts 2012. Forord og programledelse.
2011 - Ribeiro, G., Smidt-Jensen, S. ”Strategisk byledelse – innovation i en globaliseret verden”. Teknik & Miljø/December 2011.
2011 - Ribeiro, G., Nielsen, S. ”Copenhagen X: Shaping Urban Discourses and Practices in Copenhagen” Architectural Journal, 1 2011
2011 - Danish Architecture Centre, Guide to New Architecture in Copenhagen 2011/2012. Forord og programledelse.
2009 - Centre for Bydesign og Hausenberg Bydesign i København – Erfaringer fra Christiansbro, Havnestad og Amerika Plads. Rapport – redaktion.
2009 - Ribeiro, G. ”Strategisk planlægning i Flandern”. Byplan.
2008 - Ribeiro, G., Mortensen, P. D., Futures of CitiesBook based on the proceedings of the International Student Congress – International Federation for Housing and Planning – 2007.
2008 - Ribeiro, G.,Carneiro da Silva, V. A. ”Infrastructure Mega Projects and Spatial Polarization in Rio de Janeiro. Agenda Social v.2, nr.1, january-april.
2007 - Ribeiro, G.; Mortensen, P. D.; Jakobsen, R. ”Byers Fremtid”. Arkitekten. 15/07
2007 - Ribeiro, G. ”Informal Bangkok”. Space MagazineNo. 480
2007 - Ribeiro, G. “Strategisk planlægning: rumlige koncepter og territorialitet” ByplanNr. 1 maj 2007/59. årgang.
2006 - Ribeiro, G.“Urban makings: formalisation of informal settlements”. In Alan Costall and Ole Dreier (editors) Making Things with Things: the Design and Use of Objects. Aldershot: Ashgate. peer reviewed
2006 - Ribeiro, G. “Re-context”. Paper presented at the conference The Complexity of the Ordinary: Context as Key to Architectural Strategies. 05-06 October 2006 at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture. peer reviewed
2006 - Ribeiro, G. and Carneiro da Silva V. “Strategic spatial planning and environmental management: the impact of the Guanabara Bay Cleaning Programme in Rio de Janeiro”. In C.A. Brebbia and E. Tiezzi’ (editors) The Sustainable City. Southampton, Boston: WIT Press. (pp.467-477) peer reviewed
2006 - Ribeiro, G., Silva, V. “Analysis of spatial distribution of residential areas according to social status and infrastructure provision in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area”. In Elfriede Fendel and Massimo Rumor (eds.) Proceedings of 25thUrban Data Management Symposium, Aalborg, Denmark. Delft: Delft University of Technology.
2006 - Ribeiro, G, Lind, P. “Kunstige Territorier”. Arkitekten. 01/2006 [Article on the work of the 2006 Pritzker Prize winning architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha]
2005 - Ribeiro, G., Knudsen, J. “Cross-disciplinary and hybrid methodologies: An investigation of peri-urban areas in Gaborone, Botswana”. In Ameziane, F. (ed.) European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design. Marseille: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille. (pp. 141 – 147). peer reviewed
2005 - Ribeiro G., Sriswan A. “Urban development discourses, environmental management and public participation: the case of the Mae Kha Canal in Chiang Mai, Thailand”. Environment and UrbanizationVolume 17 No 1: 171-182 peer reviewed
2005 - Ribeiro, G. and Carneiro da Silva V. “Spatial Analysis of the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area and Social and Environmental Management Issues”. In J.A. Tenedório and R.P. Julião’s (editors)Abstracts of 14thEuropean Colloquim on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography. Lisbon: Universidade Nova de Lisboa. (pp. 48 and 49) peer reviewed
2005 - Ribeiro, G. and Carneiro da Silva V. “Spatial Analysis of the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area and Social and Environmental Management Issues”. In J.A. Tenedório and R.P. Julião’s (editors)Abstracts of 14thEuropean Colloquim on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography. Lisbon: Universidade Nova de Lisboa. CD Rom peer reviewed
2005 - Ribeiro, G. and Carneiro da Silva V. “Intra-metropolitan inequalities in Rio de Janeiro and the Guanabara Bay Cleaning Programme”. In A. Kungolos, C.A. Brebbia and E. Beriatos’ (editors) Sustainable Development and Planning II. Southampton, Boston: WIT Press. (pp.1319-1328) peer reviewed
2005 - Ribeiro G., Bregnhøj H., Mullins M. “In the field: learning experiences in South Africa and Thailand.” In S. Georg, R. Finchman and E.H. Nielsen (editors) Sustainable Development and the University: New Strategies for Research, Teaching and PracticeNatal: Brevitas. peer reviewed
2005 - Ribeiro, G. Special issue of The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies. Cross-Cultural Learning:Capacity Building and Environmental Assistance Guest editor, Introduction and paper “Research into urban development and cognitive capital in Thailand”TES Volume 4 Number 1 reviewed
2005 - Østergaard, K., Grønlund, B., Ribeiro, G. Cultural Planning.Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.
2004 - Ribeiro, G,Lund S. and Mullins M.Debating Participation:Actors Shaping Sustainable Development. Edited book. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,School of Architecture.
2004 - Ribeiro, G“Creating Chaos out of Order: Cognitive Capital and Informal Urban Developments in Bangkok.” In Peder Duelund Mortensen & Helle Welling (eds.) Fields of Urban Research II. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.
2003 - Ribeiro, GImagecity: Formal and Informal Networks. Exhibition Folder. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture. Curator and editor
2002 - Ribeiro, GHeitmann, C.Chiang Mai Transit. Arkitekten, November 2002, number 26, pp.30 -33.
2002 - Ribeiro, G“Bangkok: Informal Space”. In Peder Duelund Mortensen & Hans Ovesen’s (eds.) Fields of Urban Research. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.
2001 - Ribeiro, G“Sarah Network”. Arkitekten, September 2001.
2001 - Ribeiro, G“At Indtage Medierummet”. Arkitekten, June 2001, number 15, p.34.
2001 - Ribeiro, G“Sarah Netværk af Hospitaler: Behandling , Arkitektur og Teknologi”, Ugeskrift for Læger, Number 23, June 2001, pp. 3267-3268, peer reviewed
2000 - Ribeiro, G“Lina Bo Bardi: Times of Rudeness”, Arkitekten, February, Number 4
1997 - Ribeiro, G “An Ecological Approach to the Study of Urban Spaces” Journal for Architecture and Planning Research, volume 14, Number 4, peer reviewed
1996 - Ribeiro, G“Acting, Dwelling and Squatting” Ecological Psychology, volume 8 number 2, peer reviewed
1994 - Ribeiro, G“Phenomenologie et Culture Urbaine” in P. Pellegrino's (red.) Figures Architecturales et
Formes Urbaines, Paris: Anthropos, peer reviewed
1991 - Ribeiro, G“Urban Events: The Case of Vila Paranoa” in PJ Beek, RJ Bootsma and PCW van Wieringen (red.) Studies in Perception and Action. Amsterdam: Rodopi, peer reviewed
2018 - Afrika - Bæredygtig arkitektur og design – KADK København – medkuratering og udstillingsdesign
2015 - Catalyst Architecture - New York - Copenhagen - Tokyo - Rio de Janeiro 2010
2013 - Copenhagen Solutions – (Singapore, Barcelona) Programledelse
2013 - Hvad vil Provinsbyer? – Dansk Arkitektur Center - programledelse
2010 - Q&A Urban Questions_Copenhagen Answers – Det danske bidrag til 12. internationale arkitekturbiennale i Venedig - programledelse
2010 - Sustainable Cities – Exhibition at the Danish Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai - Programledelse
2007 - Emerging Urbanisms – Emerging Practices. Exhibition of the work of Dutch and Danish offices in connection with the International Student Congress, International Federation for Housing and Planning.
2003 - Imagecity: Formal and Informal Networks. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen. Exhibition with the participation of international artists and architects. Budget. Kr. 317,000 (Danish Crowns) - Kurator og udstillingsarkitekt
2002 - Fields of Urban Research: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
2002 - Ghana Project: the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen. Kurator
2000 - Lina Bo Bardi – Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole og Arkitektskolen i Aarhus. Koordinering, fundraising og projektledelse
1998 - Parcel Hus: Gammel Dok, Architecture Centre, Copenhagen
1998 - Parcel Hus: The Århus School of Architecture
1992 - Urban Projects 1992: Kirkgate Gallery, Huddersfield
1992 - Third Brazilian Art Exhibition: Dixon and Bloomsbury Galleries, London
1991 - Urban Projects: Piece Hall Art Gallery, Halifax
Exploring More-Than-Human Perspectives in Urban Planning
Leth Jepsen, N. (PI), Ribeiro, G. (Main supervisor (industrial PhD)), Majgaard Krarup, J. (supervisor (PhD)) & Møller, L. F. (industrial supervisor (industrial PhD))
01/09/2023 → 31/08/2026
Project: PhD project
File -
Risk-assessment of Vector-borne Diseases Based on Deep Learning and Remote Sensing
Knudsen, J. B. (PI), Ribeiro, G. (PI), Hermund, A. (PI) & Mottelson, J. (PI)
03/01/2022 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
RMMT: Rapid Mapping Tool: Predicting Malaria Risk By Quantifying Roof Types Directly From Satellite Data
Knudsen, J. B. (PI), Ribeiro, G. (PI) & Hermund, A. (PI)
28/09/2020 → 01/08/2022
Project: Research
Mapping urban density for sustainable development in Copenhagen
Ribeiro, G. (PI) & Jensen, B. B. (PI)
03/08/2020 → 31/12/2021
Project: Research
Research output
Age Distribution and Accessibility to Green Areas in the City of Copenhagen
Ribeiro, G. & Nowak, A., 15 Sept 2023, p. 57-76. 20 p.Publications: Contribution to conference › Paper › Research › peer-review
PHD Rewiew: Waterscapes and Landscapes as Actors in Urban Development: Maps at the Interface between Lanning Practices
Ribeiro, G., 2 Nov 2023, In: Nordisk Arkitekturforskning. 2023, 2, p. 119-124 6 p.Publications: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Commissioned
Open Access -
Green Spaces, Health, and Social Equity in the City of Copenhagen
Ribeiro, G. & Nowak, A., 14 Dec 2022, Proceedings of the 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress. Enlil, Z. (ed.). 1st ed. Brussel, Vol. 1. p. 1681-1697 17 p.Publications: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Article in proceedings › Research › peer-review
Mod malaria med GIS, Deep Learning og Remote Sensing
Hermund, A., Knudsen, J. B., Ribeiro, G. & Mottelson, J., Feb 2022, In: GEOFORUM. Februar 2022, 231, p. 14-15 2 p.Publications: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Communication
VisualiZing Sustainability
Ribeiro, G. (Producer) & Canossa, A. (Producer), 6 Apr 2022Publications: Non-textual form › Exhibition › Communication
Fingerplan 2.0
Kappel, K. A. (Participant), Ribeiro, G. (Participant) & Floris Larsen, L. (Participant)
30 Apr 2024Activity: Other activity types › Other
Visualising Sustainability (Event)
Ribeiro, G. (Member) & Canossa, A. (Member)
6 Apr 2022Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee