Scaling-up Baltic Sea Game support for a resilient game industry



The European Interreg project "BSG-Go! Scaling-up Baltic Sea Game support for a resilient game industry" aims to explore methods and best practices to strengthen the game industry in the Baltic Sea region in the context of future crises.


This three-year project involves 12 other national and international partners and aims to facilitate better collaboration between young companies in the game industry and investors and publishers, thereby supporting the game ecosystem.


The renewed discussion on resilience refers to the complexity and inherent weaknesses of socioeconomic structures, the adverse effects of which were amplified during the recent pandemic. Not surprisingly, resilience is now about transformation rather than about “returning to normal after a crisis”. It is a long-term ambition and opportunity for pro-active learning, the ability to self-correct and innovate”. Building resilience means both to understand and learn from problems faced in the past but also to reinforce those parts that have proved resilient. The game industry is a perfect model for which one can provide resilience both ways: it has proven to be resilient in the face of a crisis where mobility was limited, with increased revenues, but its “weakness” has to be strengthened, with the need of young creative talents which are fragile when communication and mobility are obstructed. Solutions for the game industry as piloted in BSG-Go! will work as well for other industries, in particular CCI. Communication is key: how can communication practices be improved to ensure a positive impact in business activities and relations? Anticipatory learning is key: how can young talents understand the strength and opportunities of their creative and technological competences to e.g. take on responsibilities for SDG or engage with other industries to create new business? BSG-Go!, led by BGZ, will provide solutions to be transferred and achieve the necessary resilient transformation.
Kort titelBSG-Go!
Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/202331/12/2025