Billede af Nicolai de Gier
  • Philip de Langes Allé 10, Bygning 68. Indgang C+D

    1435 København K



Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


Nicolai de Gier (1965) is a Danish architect and professor MSO in Furniture Design at The Royal Danish Academy, Architecture, Design and Conservation, Institute of Architecture and Design. Head of MA Furniture Design – products, materials and contexts. Trained as a Cabinetmaker and architect and teaches and researches within the field of furniture design focusing on tectonics and chair types, circularity, sustainability, universal design and furniture for an ageing population. Has published articles, papers and books on furniture and design, participated in design talks, exhibitions, workshops and documentaries about furniture design. Design director and co-founder of the Danish furniture brand TAKT. Own practice designing chairs and inventory for churches, museums and restaurants.

Eksterne ansættelser

arkitekt, Dissing+Weitling

1 jan. 200130 sep. 2004

Underviser, Danmarks Designskole

1 sep. 200030 sep. 2004

arkitekt, Nils Fagerholts Tegnestue



  • Industriel design
  • Materialer
  • Møbel- og rumdesign
  • Proces og metode
  • Æstetik og form