Billede af Arne Redsted Rasmussen
  • Esplanaden 34

    1263 København K


1987 …2024

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Personlig profil


Curriculum Vitae       ARR-2013

Name: Arne Redsted Rasmussen Born: 28. April 1959, married, 2 children, citizen of Denmark

Education and employment:

High school, Sankt Jørgens Gymnasium 1979 

Cand. Scient in biology at University of Copenhagen 1988 

Grant from The Danish Research Academy to prepare Ph.D. study 1989  

Ph.D. in Zoology at Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen 1992 

Teaching at University of Copenhagen and 3 postdoctoral grants (one in Australia) 1993-2000 

Employed as Associate Professor by The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Conservation 2000-

Postdoctoral grants and Projects from 1993-2012: 

The Danish Research Council a postdoctoral grant at The Australian Museum, Sydney 1993 

FAO-contract, producing a chapter to Western Central Pacific identification guide for fishery purposes 1994 

Danida (RUF) to make cooperation on the biology of sea snakes with Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and  India, 1996-1998 (2 years postdoc.) 

Thai-Danish Biodiversity project on the Andaman Sea continental shelf and slope 1996-2000

Carlsbergfoundation a postdoctoral grant at Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen 1998-2000 (2 years) 

Danida (RUF) (incl. postdoc.) to investigate serum production for Enhydrina schistose in cooperation with Red Cross Snake Farm in Thailand and scientist from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam, 2000-2004 

Grants from Kulturministeriets Forskningsråd, Knud Højgårds Fond and Swedish Orphans to participate in Galathea3 2006-2007

Enzyme maceration and survival of DNA in bones in cooperation with Dr. K. Simonsen: grant from Kulturministeriets Forskningsråd 2007-2009

DNA in glue used in wall paintings from Tibet in cooperation with P. Bøllingtoft: grant from School of Conservation Research Fond 2008-2009 

DNA in glue used for paintings: Grant from Kulturministeriets Forskningsudvalg 2011-2012

Investigation of Sea snakes in North Sulawesi and west New Guinea in cooperation with Dr. A. Hay-Schmidt; grant from Carlsberg Foundation


Scandinavian course in marine biology in North Sea (ship: Håkon Mosby, Bergen) 1984 

Research and collection trips to Phuket Marine Biological Center, Thailand 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001 

Research and collection trips to Koh Si Chang Marine Biological Station (Gulf of Thailand) 1989 and Song Khlar 1990 

Research and collection trip in the Gulf of Thailand and on the west coast of peninsular Thailand from Ranong to Satun 1990 

Research and collection trip to Bahrain (Persian Gulf) 1990 

Research and collection trip to Bangladesh (Bay of Bengal) 1990 

Research and collection trip to Great Barrier Reef, Queensland 1993 and 2006 

Research trip to Sri Lanka 1995 

Research trip to India 1996 

Research and collection trip to Manado and Ujung Pandang (Sulawesi, Indonesia) 1996 and 1997 

Research and collection trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand 2000 and 2001 

Research and collection trip to Vietnam 2004 

Research and collection trip to Borneo 2005 

Galathea3 expedition from South Africa –Australia, Australia-Solomon Islands 2006-07 

Research trip to Bunaken, Manado, Sulawesi 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013

Research expedition to Ashmore Reef and Cartier Reef (University of Darwin) Marts 2012 + Marts 2013

Research expedition to New Guinea, Raja Ampat (with Sam Ratulangi University) 2013

Congress and Museum visits:

Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Schweiz, research on type specimens on the genus Hydrophis 1986 

The Natural History Museum, London, research on type specimens 1986, 1991, 1995 1996 2001, 2004, 2011

1st World Congress of Herpetology in Canterbury, England 1989 

Societas Europaea Herpetologica (SHE), Congress at: Budapest 1991, Zalec, Slovenia 2001, Bonn 2005, Porto 2009

Symposium on anti-parasite drugs August Krogh Institute, 1992 

Australian Museum, Sydney (post-doc), research on elapids 1993, 2006, 2007 

2nd World Congress of Herpetology in Adelaide, Australia 1993-1994 

The Natural History Museum in Colombo, Sri Lanka February 1995 

The Zoological Institute in Sankt Petersborg, Russia May 1995 

The Zoological Reference Collection (Raffels Museum) in Singapore May 1996, 2005, 2007 

The Reed Cross Snake farm, Bangkok, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2004

3th World Congress of Herpetology in Prague 1997 

Conference on Coastal Areas in developing countries, Aarhus 1997 

Conference on Biodiversity and Development, Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen 1998 

The Natural History Museum, London, supported by European Union’s Training and Mobility of Researchers program 1999 

Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg 2000, 2010 

Muséum National d ́Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2000, 2008, 2013

The Natural History Museum of Thailand, Bangkok 2001 

Humbolt-Universität zu Berlin Museum Für Naturkunde 2002 

Naturalis Leiden 2003, 2010, 2011

The Thulalongkorn University, Bangkok 2004  

Brisbane Natural History Museum, Australia 2007, 2009 

Göteborg Natural History Museum, 2008, 2011 

Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stokholm 2010

Comparative Anatomy Congress, Charleston, North Carolina 2012

Symposium Chemistry for Cultural Heritage, Istanbul, 2012

Bergen, Norge Natural History Museum 2013

Invited speaker to:

Herpetological Society of Sydney, Australia; May 1993 

Herpetological Society of Umeaa, Sweden; May 1994 

Symposium: Venomous Snakes: Ecology, evolution and snakebite, at the Zoological Society of London, London Zoo; 1995

Symposium: “Herpetologi”, at the “Hemvärnsgården och Ekologihuset”, Lund Sweden; September 1995, 1997 

Biodiversity in Asia: Challenges and opportunities for the scientific community, Thailand 1996 

Invited Concept Paper at conference on Biodiversity and Development, Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen 1998 

Danmarks Naturfrednings Forening Borup, Hillerød and Viby Sjælland 1997-1999

Risø, Denmark 1999 

The Natural History Museum, London, (on computer models in cladistic methods) 1999 

Introduction to biology for coming students at Copenhagen University, 1999, 2000 

Secondary adaptation to life in water, Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen, 1999 

Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening 2000, 2007

Bellacenter-Danish Medical week , Invited speaker on Snake bite 2001 

The Danida sea snake project , P.M.B.C. Thailand , 2001 

Roskilde University Center 2002

Lund University Herpetological meeting 2005  

Sea snakes and Galathea3 expedition, more than 50 invited talks in Denmark 2007-2013

IUCN Meeting in Brisbane, Australia, invited expert by IUCN, 2009 

Sulawesi, World Ocean Congress invited key-note speaker 2009 

Rotary Copenhagen, Valby, Roskilde and Holbæk 2010-2012

Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting Sea Snake Congress 2012

Charles Darwin University Expedition invited by Dr. Michael Guinea 2012 and 2013

Sam Ratulangi University, Manado 2012 and 2013

Research involvements: 

Cooperation with Dr. Colin McCarthy (UK) on the Hydrophis nigrocinctus-complex 

Cooperation with Dr. M.D. Jesper Norup Nielsen (DK) on snake bites  

Cooperation with Dr. Ivan Ineich (Fr) on problematic sea snake species 

Serum production using Enhydrina schistose with scientists from Asia 2001-

 Cooperation with K.M. Grekersen (SNM) and J. Bredal-Jørgensen on decalcification in collections

Cooperation with Anslam de Silvan (Sri Lanka) on The Nha Trang Declaration 

Cooperation with Director Somchai Bussarawit (The Natural History Museum, Thailand) on sea snakes from the Andaman Sea 

Cooperation with Dr.Peter Gravlund using DNA from old museums collections (grant from Kulturministeriets Forskningsråd) 

Enzyme maceration and survival of DNA in bones with Dr. Kim P. Simonsen (grant from Kulturministeriets Forskningsråd) 

DNA in glue used in wall paintings from Tibet (identification of products) (grant from the School of Conservation)

Galathea3 Cooperation with Dr. scient Anders Hay-Schmidt (Panum I.) on sea snakes (grant from Kulturministeriets Forskningsråd)

Cooperation with Cant. Scient Hans Viborg on Paliophis from Europe 

Cooperation with Sam Ratulang University, Manado, North Sulavesi on Laticauda group (grant from Carlsberg Fondation)

Cooperation with Prof. Dr. Johan Elmberg (Sweden) on sea snake systematic and ecology using DNA and morphology 

Cooperation with Dr. Kate Sanders Adelaide University on sea snake systematic using DNA and morphology

Cooperation with Dr. Michael Guinea Darwin University on the Aipysurus group using DNA and morphology

Cooperation with Anne Marie Erikson on DNA from maceration of animals and identification of glue

Cooperation with Forensic Institute, University of Copenhagen on maceration of parts of body

Other Involvements:

Course in epidemiology at Panum Institute, Copenhagen 1991

Invited to nominate candidates for the 1997-2013 Kyoto Prizes (Fifty million yen) 

External supervisor for Endang Triwahyuni (Master stud.) Hasanuddin University, Indonesia 

External supervisor for Somchai Bussarawit (Ph.D. stud.) Phuket Marine Biological Centre, Thailand 

Chairman of “the Sea Snake Working Group” a cross-disciplinary group working with sea snakes 

Arranged in co-operation with Mogens Andersen a sea snake exhibition at the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen 

Writing for “Den store Danske Encyklopædi” 

Censor for Ph.D Michael Guinea at Darwin University Australia 

Censor for University of Copenhagen from 2001- 

Censor for University of Aalborg and Aarhus 2011-

International Herpetological Committee from 2008-1012 (World Congress of Herpetology) 

Arranged in co-operation with students a snake exhibition at Greenland National Museum 2009

IUCN expert-group in sea snakes 2009-

Build-up my own DNA laboratory at The School of Conservation 2009-

Supervisor for 18 Bachelor students and 14 Master students at The School of Conservation between 2002-2013

Member of FUU (Forsknings og uddannelsesudvalget i Akademikerne AC) 

Censor for Ph.D. Adelaide University, 2014

Teaching experience

Teaching at Sankt Jørgens High School in connection with excursions in Biology (1981-1988) 

Teaching in Form & Function and Zoological Morphology at The University of Copenhagen (1988-1997) 

Lectures on biodiversity and phylogeny at Song Khlar University and Phuket Marine Biological Centre, Thailand (1991,1992)

Lectures on sea snake, a cross-disciplinary approach at Hassanudin University, Ujung Pandang and

Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Sulawesi 1996-1997

Teacher in taxonomy, curating and related subjects at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Conservation October 1999- 

Lecture on herpetology at Odense University April 2000, 2001 

Invited teacher in cladistic methods at Phuket Marine Biological Centre, Thailand, year 2000 (financed by DANIDA) 

Lecture on bites at Holmens Dykkerskole for medical doctors, April 2005- 2007 

Lectures on poison bites for Danish medical doctors 2000-2013


Initiator and chairman of following three meetings

Biodiversity: Artsbegrebet i teori og praksis. [The species concept in theory and practice] Symposium at the Zoological Museum, University  of Copenhagen 22-23 November 1991 (220 participants)

Biology of aquatic elapids. Workshop in Thailand with participants from Asia and Europe, 1998 (financed by DANIDA) 

Serum production in sea snakes. Workshop in Vietnam with participants from Asia and Europe, 2004 (financed by DANIDA)



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Arne Redsted Rasmussen 2013



  • Kultur- og naturarv
  • Konservering
  • kuratering
  • naturhistorie
  • biologisk nedbrydning
  • DNA
  • systematik
  • artsbestemmelse
  • krybdyr
  • Havslange biologi
  • aDNA, barkodning og identifikation
  • Kuratering naturhistoriske samlinger
  • Naturhistorisk konservering
  • Systematik, fylogeni og evolution
  • Analyse og nedbrydning
  • Landskab

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