Cycle of Change: Create organizational impact through online games

Leif Sørensen, Sune Klok Gudiksen

Publications: Book / Anthology / Thesis / ReportBookCommunication


Strategies for organizational change are more important than ever. Technology development, market movements, changing customer demands, and societal conditions change how organizations can operate with rapid speed. To turn the Supertanker operating organizations in new directions is a crucial challenge for both private and public organizations. In the slipstream of this, a demand for interactive and dynamic training sessions for change agents, internal process developers, external consultants and similar, is growing fast. Training needs to happen fast and in higher numbers - scaling is vital. Online simulations with a strong system engine and flexible options are a favorable way forward. This book, Cycle of Change, is the result of thoroughly investigated practice-based knowledge in combination with a scalable game simulator that has become a leading learning bank for organizational change and in general Workplace learning content. The book guides the reader systematically through how to apply learning in change situations, the core practice-based change theories, and how to transfer the learning from the game simulator to everyday workplace situations.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherActee Publishing
Number of pages205
ISBN (Print)979-8595980265
Publication statusPublished - 16 Feb 2021

Artistic research

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