Projects per year
Personal profile
Educational background
Conference: Nordic Summer University, winter symposium: Presentation entitled: "Meet the Bodyhammers - Tactics of survival", Copenhagen.
Conference: "Når kulturformidling bliver allestedsnærværende" på Knowledge Lab DK, Syddansk Universitet. 'Paper entitled: "På vej mod en digital urbanisme".
Conference: Nordic Summer University, summer session: Presentation of paper entitled: "Noter om molyekylær gastronomi og singularitetsernes æstetik", Norway.
Conference:"User-driven Innovation". IT-University of Copenhagen.
Conference: Association of Internet Researchers: Ubiquity? Presentation of paper entitled: "Digital Unitary Urbanism - Investigating the role of the internet in the emergence of mobile and location-based technologies in urban space". University of Sussex, Brighton.
Conference: Nordisk Sommer Universitet, sommersession: Presentation of paper entitled: "AIBO", Iceland.
Workshop: RAM5: Open Source Media Architecture i Riga.
Conference: Transmediale: Fly Utopia. Berlin. Presentation of Thesis.
Workshop: Mobile ICT, Context-dependent Mobile Communication. University Research Coordination Committee, Copenhagen Business School:
Conference: CADE - Computers in Art and Design Education. Presentation of paper entitled: "Designing for Social Friction"; about the computer as a means of cultural intervention into urban space.
Symposium: Nordic Summer University, winter symposium: Presentation of paper entitled:"Digital Cityscapes - On augmented spaces, human experience and a stronger sense of connectedness in the city".
Workshop: Outside In: DIY Media architecture workshop, Gothenburg.
Curriculum vitae
2009 -
Ph.D.-student, The Danish Design School.
2008 - 2009
External lecturer at the IT-University of Copenhagen
Teaching the post-graduate course: "Social media Theory and Practice'.
2007 - 2009
Assistant teacher at The Danish Design School
Teaching and tutoring students at the department of Design Theory.
2006 - 2007
Project manager and consultant at Odense Filmværksted (Odense Film Workshop)
Primary function: Co-ordinating short- and documentary film productions, and artistic development of public funded film projects.
2004 - 2005
Co-founder of CityNova R&D
CityNova is an independent media and design office concerned with the potentials and implications of ‘the next wave' of digital technology.
2001 - 2004:
IT-University Copenhagen. (MA IT), in Design, Communication and Media
1996 - 2001:
Royal Academy of Arts - School of Architecture (equivalent of a BA in architecture)
1995 -1996:
European Film Collage, Ebeltoft
Major courses: Film history, Script development, Documentary production.
1989 - 1992:
Mathematical student, Nyborg Amtsgymnasium
Research area
- City
- Urban space and modernity
- public space
- public life
- urban design
- urban sociology
- History and culture
- everyday life
- Industrial design
- Social Interaction and Everyday Life
- Design Thinking
- Furniture and spatial design
- homing and nomadism
- concepts of place
- Process and method
- citizen participation
- userdriven innovation
- design thinking
- research by design
- Technology and digital design
- digital aesthetics
- interaction design
- Theory and philosophy
- Design theory
- Aesthetics
- Aesthetics and form
- relational aesthetics
- 1 Finished
Forming Welfare
Raahauge, K. M. (Project Participant), Vindum, K. (Project Participant), Kristensen, P. T. (Project Participant), Lotz, K. (Project Participant), Pagh, J. (Project Participant), Ulv Lenskjold, T. (Project Participant), Jerl Jensen, M. (Project Participant) & Ahnfeldt-Mollerup, M. (Project Participant)
02/01/2012 → 01/10/2012
Project: Research
Design Anthropology as Ontological Exploration and Inter-Species Engagement
Olander, S. & Ulv Lenskjold, T., 22 Sept 2016, Design Anthropological Futures. Smith, R. C., Tang Vangkilde, K., Gislev Kjærsgaard, M., Otto, T., Halse, J. & Binder, T. (eds.). Bloomsbury Academic, p. 249-267 18 p.Publications: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Minor Design Activism: Prompting Change from Within
Halse, J., Olander, S. & Ulv Lenskjold, T., 2015, In: Design Issues. 31, 4, p. 67-78 12 p.Publications: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Speculative prototypes and alien ethnographies: Experimenting with relations beyond the human
Olander, S., Ulv Lenskjold, T. & Jönsson, L., Dec 2015.Publications: Contribution to conference › Paper › Research › peer-review
Objects of entanglement and allure: steps towards an anthro-de-centric position in speculative design
Ulv Lenskjold, T., 2014, Kbh.: Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering. Kunstakademiets Designskole. 190 p.Publications: Book / Anthology / Thesis / Report › Ph.D. thesis
Mobilizing for community building and everyday innovation
Olander, S., Ulv Lenskjold, T., Yndigegn, S. L. & Foverskov, M., 2011, In: Interactions (New York). 18, 4, p. 28-32 5 p.Publications: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review