Scaling matters of scaling matters of…

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This double issue of Artifact: Journal of Design Practice contains six revised and
double-blind peer-reviewed articles linked to the ninth biannual conference of the
Nordic Design Research Society (NORDES). The conference, titled Matters of
Scale, was held in the Danish City of Kolding in August 2022. This NORDES
issue is a result of a series of constructive dialogues between the journal’s editorial
team and the NORDES community around the need for more publication venues
explicitly invested in high quality practice-based, constructive design research. In
addition to the research articles, the issue also includes a reflection paper on an
art installation as a new type of format in the journal. This format is intended to
support the journal’s aim to provide a platform for sharing and discussing artistic
(design) project work without going through a traditional peer review process.
TidsskriftArtifact: Journal of Design Practice
Udgave nummer1-2
Sider (fra-til)20.1-20.4
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2022

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Nej
