At skabe meningsfuld legende undervisning: - en bevægelses-filosofisk undersøgelse af legende tilgange til undervisning på pædagoguddannelsen

Ole Lund, Lars Dahl Pedersen, Mikkel Snurre Boysen, Helle Marie Skovbjerg

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


Based on a design experiment with playful approaches to teaching in Social Education, the article explores the exchange of non-verbal determinations in between the bodies of teachers and students and the significance these have for students' experience of meaningfulness and playfulness. The article shows in different ways how teachings may become overdetermined which undermines the students' opportunities to experience the teaching as meaningful and playful. Thus, the importance of balancing the determinations of teaching situations at intercorporeal level is emphasized. The article suggests patience as an important way of relating when working with playful approaches to teaching in higher education.
TidsskriftNordic Studies in Education
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Nej
