“Textilisations of Light - Using Textile Logics to Expand the Use of LED technology From a Technololy of Display towards a Technology of Spatial Orientation”



The dissertation’s goal was to understand how new technological advances in the LED lighting can be paired with and extend architectural visions, using textile ideas and methods from the field of smart textiles.

Technologically, I created a LED plug and play system that transforms LED-systems from DMX-control and a wired solution towards a cable-less system with spatial qualities and reduced power consumption.
The plug and play system uses the material as electronic conductor in a design solution that connects textile logics with the logic of circuitry. In the system, each point of light is controlled individually and more than one user can interact with it. To allow other architects to design the system, I have developed a customised parametric design tool.
I’ve used the plug and play system and tool to create a site-specific installation that shows how LED-technology can be integrated into the architecture and create a spatial experience. And finally, I have developed two theoretical concepts spatialisation of light and immersion of light that describe how light can be integrated in the architecture and create varied and controllable space of light.

Kort titelTextilisation of Light
Effektiv start/slut dato01/10/201106/04/2016