What is the architecture of the future?

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statement WU

There is not one singular architecture of the future, there will be
different architectures in plural. Some complement
each other for a better environment and life, some are contradicting in
the strongest way.

The spectrum will be from non-spatial, stylish and
meaning-less decoration to the needed re-invention of the most basics
for life like new ways of sanitation, flood proof dwellings or
intelligent urban chicken stables.

Our troubled natural and built environment is a result of myriads of bad
and destructive design decisions over time (no matter how consciously,
unconsciously or purposeful they were generated)

Therefore, every strategy, concept, idea, intervention, rehabilitation etc. that
changes the direction of global spatial destruction and that helps designing
ourselves out of the troubles on all scales contributes to these architectures
which are fit for the future.
Original languageOther
Publication dateDec 2014
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2014
EventWhat is the architecture of the future? - Moscow Architecture Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation
Duration: 1 Dec 201431 Dec 2014


ConferenceWhat is the architecture of the future?
LocationMoscow Architecture Institute
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

Artistic research

  • No

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