Perspectives on learning in didactic designs with play qualities: - a study of 36 didactic designs in the Playful Learning programme

Publications: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication


How is it possible to characterise learning perspectives in the ‘didactic designs with play qualities’ that have been created in the first year of the Playful Learning programme? That is the focal point of this article. In the past few years, experiments have been conducted with a wide range of practices with the qualities of play as a source of inspiration. Experiments that have resulted in three design principles for teaching that have playful qualities (see the introduction to this Playbook): Creating shared perceptions; Daring to go for unpredictability; Insisting on meaningfulness. This article is an attempt to present a preliminary situation report on the ‘didactic designs with play qualities’ that have already been created. These are precisely preli- minary, as the development is continuing and is now also being conducted in a close dialogue with the research project Playful Learning Research Extension.
Original languageDanish
JournalPlaybook 2
Pages (from-to)78-88
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Artistic research

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