Outside the category

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


It is a recurring theme in my research to establish collections of study models and then find ways to decode, transform and represent them: in drawings and as new models. The 1001 plaster models are ‘outside the category’ - pure form and architectural potential. The models are before an idea: to become architectural ideas they must be decoded in drawings in order to be dissolved into architectural signs and rules. I'm not trying to solve a problem and have no hypothesis - there is only the work with the drawings. They are accurate and reflective. The drawing analyzes and thinks in order to create. The drawing is not only a representation of something - it is something in itself, in its own
right. Based on the models I can make drawings and enter into a special world. I achieve craft skills and a kind of logistic overview in the routine of working with many characters at once - to work in a series, both in drawing and in the model-making: being good at making molds, casting in plaster and at drawing them afterwards in different representations. The experience obtained from the drawings must be passed on in the next drawing. When I know what I do - when the routine is there, it is time for me to move on in my search of new drawings and models. It's about being in a ‘special condition of drawing’ in order to compose, extend, amplify, clarify, crop, scale and to suggest a structure in search of more precise architectural characters and potentials. An abstract thought is strengthened when it is backed up by something tangible.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2014
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventFourth International Conference on Architectural Research by Design: Unifying Academia and Practice through Research - the Architectural Department (DARQ) of the Lusófona University (ULHT), the Architectural Research in Europe Network Association (ARENA), the Garagem Sul / Cultural Centre of Belém (CCB) and the Architectural Lab. Research Centre (LabART), Portugal
Duration: 8 May 20149 May 2014
Conference number: 4


ConferenceFourth International Conference on Architectural Research by Design
Locationthe Architectural Department (DARQ) of the Lusófona University (ULHT), the Architectural Research in Europe Network Association (ARENA), the Garagem Sul / Cultural Centre of Belém (CCB) and the Architectural Lab. Research Centre (LabART)


  • representation
  • artistic research

Artistic research

  • No

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