Housing for the elderly in Denmark, life conditions today and future scenarios

    Publications: Working paperResearch


    Living and housing conditions for the elderly have become one of society's major problems - socially, culturally and economically. Today there are approximately one million people in Denmark at the age over 60 years. Too many of the older citizens live in out-of-date housing. The changes occurring in the population profile will increase the need for housing and facilities for the elderly. At the same time the number of working taxprayers will be relatively less. The life conditions of the elderly have changed through time. The elderly in Denmark are not any longer belonging to the weakest social population group. The first part of this paper focus on an outline of 20th Century major trends with special reference to building for the elderly. The second part describes new developments in elderly housing and the third part introduces to studies of future housing needs for the elderly. Paper presented at the conference: Social Housing in Europe, Milan, Oct. 22, 2004. Forefindes på CD-rom
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationKbh.
    PublisherKunstakademiets Arkitektskole, Institut 1
    Number of pages11
    Publication statusPublished - 2004

    Artistic research

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