Forskningsinterviewet som diskurser der krydser klinger: Når lærlingens og forskerens veje brydes

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Based on empirical examples from research interviews in an ongoing research project on the vocatiuonal education of apprentices in the field of electromechanics, it is argued that the production of meaning and knowledge in qualitative research can be seen against the beckground of discourses "crossing swords". In key passages form the texts of the interviews, the researcher's preconception of learning as allpervasive in the situation of apprentices is challenged, with the apprentices arguing that learning, in itself, is not all that important. In the interview situation, this manifests as teo discourses on learning "crossing Swords" - with qualitative research interview considered as a battelefield.
Original languageDanish
JournalNordisk Pedagogik
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)21-32
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes

Artistic research

  • No

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