Project Details


Change for Circularity: The Citizen Science Mass Experiment on Circular Economy in Empowering Consumers and Informing Producer’s Responsibility on the Wastifcation of Plastic and Textile

Change4Circularity (C4C) will collect and utilize the hitherto most comprehensive data set on plastic pollution, household sorting and management of plastics and textiles waste in Denmark. This is done in the large-scale citizen science project Mass experiment, which will engage 30.000-50.000 school students throughout the Danish realm. The data will be used to increase resource awareness and material understanding amongst citizens, NGO’s and policy makers, and thereby facilitate a reduction in material consumption, minimize environmental pollution and inform innovation. Based on this the project has the ambition of 1) Provide educational material for Danish school children and high school students, 2) Mapping waste flow, plastic pollution, causes for waste, and wardrobe textiles in Danish households and 3) furthering a deeper understanding of the environmental impact of both material streams. This way, C4C will contribute to the urgent need of data input that concerns actual waste streams and consumer behavior that can contribute to forming scientifically validated recommendations for further facilitating the transition to a circular economy.
Effective start/end date01/02/202431/01/2027