Nordisk Arkitekturforskning (Journal)

Activity: Peer-review and editorial work Peer review of manuscriptsResearch


In the context of reducing environmental impact of constructions by facilitating salvage of building components and materials, the term Design for Disassembly (DfD) is commonly discussed. However, in the different sets of guidelines describing how to design reusable and recyclable buildings, more aspects of the design are stressed. Components should be prepared for all the stages of the salvaging process, including sorting, transport, new design and reassembly. The paper presents a comprehensive systematisation of the DfD principles. The aim is to make up a clear, pedagogic system, as well as to link the design principles to an assessment tool. Also, the system can function as a checklist when designing salvageable materials and components. The paper concludes that since many design aspects are relevant in facilitating the salvaging of building components, the term design for disassembly is misleading, and could be replaced by the term design for salvageability.

Emneord: sustainability, salvageability, reuse, design for dissambly Titel: the Nordic Association of Architectural Research Undertitel: the Nordic Association of Architectural Research
Period1 Jan 2008
Type of journalJournal


  • sustainability, salvageability, reuse, design for dissambly