Weak Systems and Fluctuating Contingencies: Venice as Theater

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The term ‘weak’ is instinctively understood as a negative characteristic, involving a lack of ability to perform as expected. As an instant assumption the strong and robust is optimal; a shelf should be properly fixed to the wall, screws linking parts of a rack should be tightened to prevent it from being unstable – it should be built to resist.
The paradox within this term is intriguing; when unfolding the subject, weak systems are everywhere within various fields – biology, architecture, theories of the city and design – conducting moderate to vital tasks.

The article uses the weak construction principles of Venice as a narrative:

'As a spatial act the architecture [in Venice] is constantly performing; similar
to an old wooden ship at stormy seas. The twisting, expansion
and contraction of materials is experienced and transmitted
through indirect signs as sounds and altered light. Every squeak
in a floor-board and the appearance of light penetrating minor
slits are telling the story of its dynamic surroundings.'
TidsskriftOn Site Review
Udgave nummer32
Sider (fra-til)34-38
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2014

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Ja
