Ways of Seeing: A method of poetic analysis for practice-based researchers in architecture

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Poetic analysis, a process by which the act of poesis (of creating) is examined
and disclosed has long been adopted by artists, architects and other creative
practitioners as a way to reveal the inner logics of creative work to a broader
audience. Over the past 30 years practice-based researchers from within the arts
have begun to address its potential in order to get the creative aspects of their
work recognised in an academic context. The movement faces many challenges
due to the difficulties in communicating and validating the ‘creative impulse’ as a form of knowledge, which is further impeded by the strict formats of academic
writing that are generally incompatible with the articulation of artistic ideas or
interpretations in a scholarly context.

The aim of this paper is to propose a template for poetic analysis, in the form of
a framework or an approach, that can be used to examine and communicate
creative impulses as a form of artistic knowledge in academic context. The paper
adapts an existing method of poetic analysis from the social sciences and uses
a hybrid literary style that shifts between creative and critical genres to give a
dynamic illustration of how creative impulses can be mediated and expressed.
The method is then applied to a practice-based research project undertaken by
the author as a case study in order to test its validity.

The result is a template that sets out a 3 layered technical approach to dissect
the creative impulse based on identifying core themes, and then representing
them through oscillating creative and critical writing styles. The findings conclude that by shifting ‘ways of seeing’ through different writing techniques, the intricacies of the creative impulse can be communicated as artistic knowledge. This research is a contribution to evolving formats for conveying artistic knowledge as research in the field of architectural design and is intended for the use of architects and practice-based researchers.
TidsskriftArchitectural Research in Finland
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)277-291
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Nej
