Throne Of Fragility

Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstformVærkForskning


The piece exhibits an aesthetic of time while simultaneously examining the ethics of time. It questions the notion of sustainability as a design and construction principle imperative to fighting climate change. On this view, the wear and tear of time is something we must overcome: It is cast as an enemy and destructive force, expressed by the Danish idiom tidens tand—the tooth of time—slowly gnawing away at artefacts and objects around us, demanding recurring, climate-taxing rebuilding and further accumulation of matter.

By disintegrating back into its organic constituents, Throne of Fragility yields to the natural cycle of time, embracing generation and decay. This reclaims the destructive element of time as a positive, constructive force, raising questions about temporality, sustainability, and creation: Might we also do good to the planet through unendurable, short-lived, unsustainable design? And what does it mean for a creative process—instead of trying to overcome time—to create with deliberate dissolution and vanishment in mind, following the natural order of beginning and end?
StatusUdgivet - 2023
BegivenhedSuper Dansk - Utzon Center, Aalborg, Danmark
Varighed: 2 feb. 20235 maj 2024


UdstillingSuper Dansk
LokationUtzon Center

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Ja
