The virtual promenade, didactic experiments on the potentials of combining conventional and digital modelling of the city experienced in movement

Bidragets oversatte titel: Den virtuelle promenade, didaktiske eksperimenter om potentialerne i at kombinere konventionel og digital modellering af byen oplevet i bevægelse.

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Through a 3 week workshop in March 2014 a group of third year students from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture will create their own imaginary city based on phenomenological experiments in Copenhagen and an interpretation of these experiences combining conventional and digital modelling. The workshop serves as an education-based research project in which we want to investigate the potentials of working consciously with bodily movement as a generator in the creation of architecture by combining actual experience of the city with conventional model building and digital modelling seen through latest Virtual Reality technologies.
Thus the research question is two-folded: What kind of architecture can we imagine and conjure through movement combining classical tools and methods with newest technology and how do we respond to these new tools and integrate them in the education of future architects?
This paper is therefore likewise divided. The first part is about the city and the architectural tools involved in the workshop. This section is titled Representing the City. The second part is elaborating on the technical aspects of the Virtual Reality technology used. This part is titled Applied Desktop Virtual Reality.
Bidragets oversatte titelDen virtuelle promenade, didaktiske eksperimenter om potentialerne i at kombinere konventionel og digital modellering af byen oplevet i bevægelse.
TidsskriftArchitecturae et Artibus
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)34-37
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 9 maj 2014


  • Virtual Reality
  • Oculus Rift
  • stereoscopy
  • The Architectural Promenade
  • City planning
  • architectural representations

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Nej
