Supporting the emergence of female student entrepreneurs

Birgitte Geert Jensen, Merethe Kruse

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60% of students at Aarhus School of Architecture (AAA) are women. Yet there are far more male than female students who harbor a desire to become independent. Overall as much as 48% of all students at AAA want to start their own business. Significantly, however, the interest is greatest on second years (60%), while it drops to 35% on the 5th and last year. Among graduates from AAA, the gender distribution remains skewed, since more than twice as many men as women start their own architect or design firm.1
Q: Ark is a project which promotes entrepreneurship among female students at AAA. Q: Ark intends to activate unused entrepreneurial potential at the AAA and increase the number of female design students who start their own business, during or after completion of study. The aim is that an independent career is made available for all, and not only for groups of particularly resourceful 'born' entrepreneurs, where female students are underrepresented.
This paper will show how enterprising elements
TitelCrossing Talents:
Antal sider9
Publikationsdato19 maj 2011
StatusUdgivet - 19 maj 2011
BegivenhedCrossing Talents:transversality in Design - Paris, Frankrig
Varighed: 19 maj 201121 maj 2011


KonferenceCrossing Talents:transversality in Design

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Ja
