Schema-Based Workflows and Inter-Scalar Search Interfaces for Building Design

Paul Poinet, Martin Tamke, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Fabian Scheurer, Al Fisher

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Today, scattered design processes and manual interventions are almost inevitable within the AEC industry, especially for 3D modelling processes and data management during the post-tender phases of large-scale and geometrically complex architectural projects that involves the participation of many different trades, which have to communicate efficiently between themselves. This research paper presents a state of the art in managing modelling processes of geometrically complex architectural projects and proposes a theoretical framework aiming to simplify, improve and standardize those processes. This framework will be illustrated by practical experiments using schema-based workflows and inter-scalar search interfaces enabling the assembly, visualization and query of the produced data.
TiteleWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction : Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM 2018), September 12-14, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
ForlagCRC Press
Publikationsdato12 sep. 2018
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781138584136
StatusUdgivet - 12 sep. 2018
BegivenhedEuropean Conference on Product and Process Modelling - Copenhagen, Danmark
Varighed: 12 okt. 201814 okt. 2018


KonferenceEuropean Conference on Product and Process Modelling

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

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