Landscape Processes: Approaching Architectural Conditions

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The inevitable processes of entropy, decay and chronotopic changes initiates the setting for this narrative, which seeks to explore the relationship between a dynamic landscape and the creation of process architecture. The intention is to explore a way of comprehending the processes and forces of the landscape as an operational
field, and use the transformational potential to generate architecture as conditions of mutual impact and interdependence on the landscape.

As a testing ground for developing architectural conditions, the narrative centres around the development of a restoration plant for removing barnacles from boats.
The project explores the dialectical relationship between the machine and the landscape, weaving the structure into the complex, intertwined systems of processes on the site. The narrative establishes a translation of the vocabulary and terms which apply to geology and ecology, into man-made landscapes - and moreover to
architectural matters which become a sort of conglomerate of building and landscape, nature and machine.
TidsskriftOn Site Review
Udgave nummer29
Sider (fra-til)42 - 47
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2013

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Ja
