Distortion II

Brady Peters (Producent)

    Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstformUdstillingForskning


    Sound is an important part of our lives. We learn through hearing lectures, we work by communicating to colleagues, and we relax through listening to music. While we can close our eyes, we cannot close our ears. Sound is all around us and effects us every moment of every day. All architects use their computers to design buildings, but while they are able to visualize their designs in many different ways, no design software currently allows the designer to hear their designs. Project Distortion II develops new digital tools that allow architects to design for sound and it proposes new ways in which the design of sound spaces can be approached. Project Distortion II was constructed in and designed according to multiple sound design criteria. It focuses sound, absorbs sound, and protects from annoying sound. It creates a varied sonic environment for users to enjoy. The project was designed using an iterative process where sound was considered to be a key design driver. This research suggests a new way to design, simulate, and fabricate sound- and space-defining surfaces.
    Publikationsdato8 mar. 2012
    StatusUdgivet - 8 mar. 2012
    BegivenhedDistortion II - GGG Gallery, Copenhagen, Danmark
    Varighed: 8 mar. 20128 jun. 2012


    KonferenceDistortion II
    LokationGGG Gallery

    Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

    • Ja
