Design spaces

Thomas Binder (Redaktør), Maria Hellström (Redaktør)

    Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Afhandling / RapportAntologiForskning


    Digital technologies and media are becoming increasingly embodied and entangled in the spaces and places at work and at home. However, our material environment is more than a geometric abstractions of space: it contains familiar places, social arenas for human action. For designers, the integration of digital technology with space poses new challenges that call for new approaches. Creative alternatives to traditional systems methodologies are called for when designers use digital media to create new possibilities for action in space. Design Spaces explores how design and media art can provide creative alternatives for integrating digital technology with space. Connecting practical design work with conceptual development and theorizing, art with technology, and usesr-centered methods with social sciences, Design Spaces provides a useful research paradigm for designing ubiquitous computing. This book is for students and professionals in design, information technology, and electronics.
    ForlagEDITA IT Press
    Antal sider203
    StatusUdgivet - 2005


    • Design
    • Design research
    • Digital media
    • Digitale medier
    • Ubiquitous computing
    • Participatory design
    • Design methods

    Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

    • Nej
