Bloody robots as emotional design. How emotional structures change culturally motivated expectations of technology use in hospitals.

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By applying Gilles Fauconnier & Mark Turner’s theory of conceptual blending to a
design case I demonstrate how experiencing emotional qualities in technology design
may influence the way users cognitively reconstruct standard expectations of use. In so
doing, I expand the dominating cognitive theory of emotion in design in three central
respects: (i) the understanding of mixed emotions is deepened; (ii) a more detailed
explanation is given of the specific operations involved in appraisal processes grounded
in embodied interaction; (iii) a structural model is proposed for mapping the constitutive
role that mixed emotions play in product usage and interaction.
TitelProceedings from the 6th Conference on Design & Emotion 2008 : Dare to desire
RedaktørerP. M. A. Desmet, SA Tzvetanova, P. Hekkert, L. Justice
Antal sider14
ISBN (Trykt)978-988-17489-2-8
StatusUdgivet - 2008
Begivenhed6th Conference on Design & Emotion 2008 - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Varighed: 6 okt. 20089 okt. 2008


Konference6th Conference on Design & Emotion 2008
Land/OmrådeHong Kong
ByHong Kong

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