Projekter pr. år
Personlig profil
Dr Dagmar Reinhardt is a registered architect, researcher and educator, and a principal of reinhardtjung (, a research-based architecture practice that has been widely published, and received numerous recognitions and awards for affordable and multi-generational residential works. The practice pursues architecture through research-led design works, industry collaborations and consultations, and international design competitions. reinhardt_jung’s work has been widely published (Frame, Mark, Detail), and awarded numerous prestigious prizes (including the Nomination for Design Price by German Design Council, Frankfurt (2015) for FNS Apartments, the prestigious ‘MAX 40’ prize of the German Architects’ Association (2010); and the LBS Prize ‘Golden Haus’ for Jones House (2009).
Reinhardt’s research work extends architectural performance and performativity towards design research and cross-disciplinary practice. Her research explores the way in which architectural performance can be informed by simulation and feedback with acoustic, structural or constructive criteria, and thus provide higher quality and more sensitive, human-centric spaces. It focuses on the intersection and integration of architecture, acoustics, structure, robotics, fabrication, material and constructions constraints into design and interdisciplinary collaborations. Reinhardt investigates opportunities for leveraging robotic fabrication methods to adapt geometry, materiality and construction methods within design technology, so novel solutions become available for the difficult relationship between human labour and construction automation in the building trades. Research findings are extended to research-led design studios and shared in conference discussions, design exhibitions and industry applications.
Reinhardt was Co-Chair of the Rob|Arch2016 Robots in Architecture, Art and Design ( and has lead substantial industry and state-government funded projects on new robotic applications for workspace scenarios, and for safer and healthier construction work environments. Her upcoming book on ‘Design Robotics’ will combine generative design, robotic fabrication, timed materiality, and spatial programming and bridge between architecture, social, collaborative and creative robotics.
Publications (exert)
- Reinhardt, D, Burry, J, Saunders, R, (eds.) (2016). Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-26378-6_10. (20.000 downloads).
- Reinhardt, D (ed.), (2012). Youtopia. A Passion for the Dark – Architecture at the Intersection of Digital Processes and Theatrical Performance (Auckland: Freerange Press, 2012), ISBN 978-0-9808689-1-3.
- Reinhardt, D, Wigley, M (eds.), (2003). Arts and Airports (Staedelschule Works on Architecture: Frankfurt), ISBN 3-928071-64-5.
- In process: Reinhardt, D, (2018/19). Design Robotics. Pan MacMillan (in writing). This book provides a first and comprehensive overview of the current use of robots in a variety of different fields: from construction robots primarily focused on advanced manufacturing; to social robotics, creative robotics and human robot collaborations.
Book chapters
- Reinhardt, D, Cabrera, D, Jung, A (2016). Towards a Micro Design of Acoustic Surfaces - Robotic Fabrication of Complex Pattern Geometries. Reinhardt, D, Burry, J, Saunders, R, (eds.) (2016), Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 136-149.
- Jung, A, Reinhardt, D, Watt, R (2016). RBDM- Complex Curved Geometries with Robotically Fabricated Joints. Reinhardt, D, Burry, J, Saunders, R, (eds.) (2016), Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 178-189.
- Dubor, A, Camprodom, G, Bello Diaz, G, Reinhardt, D, Saunders, R, Dunn, K, Niemelä, M, Horlyck, S, Alarcon-Licona, S, Wozniak-O’ Connor, D, Watt, R (2016). Sensors and Workflow Evolutions: Developing a Framework for Instant, Robotic Toolpath Revision. Reinhardt, D, Burry, J, Saunders, R, (eds.) (2016), Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 411-425.
- Reinhardt, D , Jung, A (2014). Form and Force. Anderson, R (ed), Propositions, Freerange Press, ISBN: 978-0-9808689-6-8, pp 38-45.
- Reinhardt, D Cabrera, D, Niemela, M, Ulacco, G and Jung, A (2014). TriVoc: Robotic manufacturing for affecting sound through complex curved geometries. McGee, W and Ponce de Leon, M (eds.), Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-319-04662-4, pp. 163-169.
- Reinhardt, D (2013). Octopuses don’t have blind spots: Convergences of the Analogue. Anderson, R (ed), Analogue, Freerange Press, ISBN: 978-0-9808689-4-4, pp 23-28.
- Reinhardt, D, Loke, L (2013). Entangled. Complex Bodies and Sensate Machines. Buckley, B, Conomos, C, Dong, A. Ecologies of Invention. University of Sydney Press, Sydney. 123-136. University of Sydney Press, ISBN: 9781743323571, pp 123-136.
Refereed journal articles
- Cabrera, D, Yadav, M, Reinhardt, D, Holmes, J, Ciccarello, B, Caldwell, H, Hannouch, A (2018), Experiments with high-back chairs and retroreflective surfaces for increasing the support of one’s own voice over short conversational distances, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, 1725 (2018);
- Fernando, S, Weir, S, Reinhardt, D, Hannouch A (2018). “Towards a multi-criteria framework for Stereotomy - Workflows for subtractive fabrication in complex geometries”. Invited article for JCDE Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (article in press).
- Weir, S, Wozniak-O’Connor, D, Watt, R, Reinhardt, D, Fernando, S, Dibbs, J (2018). Design and Fabrication of a ruled surface vault with the Exquisite Corpse". Stereotomy 2.0, Nexus Network Journal.
- Reinhardt, D (2018). Sound of Space in 3 Robotic Prototypes - Introducing 6-axis robotic fabrication to shape macro- and micro-geometries for acoustic performance. A|Z, ITU Istanbul Technical University (March 2018).
- Reinhardt, D (2016). CorallColony—from Singularities of Mathematical Code to Relational Networks. ATR, Taylor Francis, Article no: RATR 1184694 (on-line publishing,
- Reinhardt, D, Loke, L (2013). GOLD (Monstrous Topographies) – Exploring Bodies in Complex Spatiality: Trespassing, Invading, Forging Body(ies). ii International Journal of Interior Architecture + Spatial Design, Corporeal Complexities, Spring 2013 issue II, ISBN978-0-9887643-2-3Atrium Press, pp54-62. (iv) Refereed conference papers
Conference Papers
- Reinhardt, D, Titchkosky, N (2018), Design Research between Academia and Practice: Systems Reef - Developing an Integrated Robot Woven Ceiling Structure. ADR2018 Design Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp 745-760.
- Reinhardt, D, Candido, C, Cabrera, D, Wozniak-O’Connor, D, Watt, R, Bickerton, C, Titchkosky, N, Houda, M (2018). Onsite Robotic Fabrication for Flexible Workspaces- Towards Design and Robotic Fabrication of An Integrated Responsive Ceiling System For A Workspace Environment. Fukada, T, Huang, W, Janssen, P, Crolla, K, Alhadidi, S(eds.), Learning, Adapting and Prototyping, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2018), Hong Kong, pp. 59-68.
- Hannouch, A, Caldwell, H, Cabrera, D, Reinhardt, D (2018). Non-Standard Production of Retroreflective Ceiling Treatment - Reducing Speech Distraction In An Open Work Environment. Fukada, T, Huang, W, Janssen, P, Crolla, K, Alhadidi, S(eds.), Learning, Adapting and Prototyping, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2018), Hong Kong, pp.317-326.
- Houda, M, D, Reinhardt, D (2018). Structural Optimisation For 3d Printing Bespoke Geometries. Fukada, T, Huang, W, Janssen, P, Crolla, K, Alhadidi, S(eds.), Learning, Adapting and Prototyping, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2018), Hong Kong, pp. 235-244.
- Fernando, S, Reinhardt, D Weir, S (2017). Simulating Self Supporting Structures: A Comparison study of Interlocking Wave Jointed Geometry using Finite Element and Physical Modelling Methods. eCAADe 2017, Rome.
- Reinhardt, D, Cabrera, D and Hunter, M (2017). A Mathematical Model Linking Form and Material for Sound Scattering - design, robotic fabrication, and evaluation of sound scattering discs: relating surface form to acoustic performance. Çağdaş, G, Özkar, M, Gül, F, Gürer, E (eds.), Future Trajectories of Computation in Design, 17th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2017, Istanbul, Conference Proceedings, pp. 150-163.
- Reinhardt, D , Cabrera, D (2017). Randomness in Robotically Fabricated Micro-Acoustic Patterns. Janssen, P, Loh, Raonic, A Schnabel, MA (eds.). Protocols, Flows and Glitches, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2017, Hong Kong.
- Fernando, S, Reinhardt, D Weir, S (2017). Waterjet and Wire-Cutting Workflows in Stereotomic Practice - Material Cutting of Wave Jointed Blocks. Janssen, P, Loh, Raonic, A Schnabel, MA (eds.). Protocols, Flows and Glitches, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2017, Hong Kong.
Lectures and Talks
- Academic: Staedelschule Frankfurt (Germany), I|T Istanbul University (Turkey), Linz and TU Innsbruck (Austria), , msa | Münster School of Architecture, UNSW/UTS/Bond University (Australia).
- Creative and Industry Events: Sydney Design Festival, Sydney Design Week, SCG Sydney Computational Design Group, Industry Event (‘Tomorrowland’, Fifth Estate), Vivid Sydney, Convergence 004.
Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)
Architecture, PhD, The University of Sydney
Dimissionsdato: 1 apr. 2010
Architecture/ Conceptual design, Master of Architecture, Staedelschule Frankfurt am Main
Dimissionsdato: 1 jun. 1999
Architecture, Diploma (Engineering), TU Technical University Hannover
Dimissionsdato: 1 jun. 1997
- Bygningskunst
- Materialer
- Teknologi og digital design
- Proces og metode
Publikationssamarbejder i løbet af de sidste 5 år.
- 1 Afsluttet
Computationally enabled material management: Learning from three robotically fabricated demonstrators
Pedersen, J. & Reinhardt, D. (Redaktør), 2023.Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Paper › Forskning › peer review
Robotic drawing communication protocol: a framework for building a semantic drawn language for robotic fabrication
Pedersen, J. & Reinhardt, D. (Redaktør), 2023, I: Construction Robotics. 6, s. 239 249 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Timber framing 2.0: An interdisciplinary study into computational timber framing.
Pedersen, J. & Reinhardt, D., sep. 2022, Design Modelling Symposium: Towards Radical Regeneration. SpringerPublikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Konferencebidrag i proceedings › Forskning › peer review
Hand-Drawn Digital Fabrication: Calibrating a visual communication method for robotic fabrication
Pedersen, J. & Reinhardt, D., jun. 2021, I: Construction Robotics. 5, 2, s. 159-173 14 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Robotic Braille and Spatialmaps: Combining Tactile and Visual Narratives
Reinhardt, D., Sonne-Frederiksen, P. F., Solberg, T., Sarfelt, L. J., Christensen, B. & Biagi, M., feb. 2021, Space and Digital Reality: Ideas, Representations/ Applications and Fabrication. Soolep, J., Karine, K. & Ojari, A. (red.). s. 68 12 s. (Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond. Toimetised).Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Konferencebidrag i proceedings › Forskning › peer review
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