The Representation of the Welfare City

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed Organisation af og deltagelse i konference


Seminar 2: The Representation of the Welfare City
This seminar is the second of two events that aim to critically discuss the representation of the welfare city. In this context, the term ‘welfare city’ refers to the concept for urban areas developed in Scandinavian countries during the second half of the twentieth century. The seminar is conceptualized and organized by the transdisciplinary international IRFD-funded research network The Representation of the Welfare City. Hosted by the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen and ArkDes in Stockholm respectively, the events will embrace discussion on museums, archives, and collections, as well as canons, history, and historiography as a construction. More specifically, however, they will raise questions about how and why to present and represent architecture. With a focus on mass media as a primary site for developing architectural discourse, the events will reflect on these media and their mediatic characteristics. They will include photography and architectural drawings/renderings in the daily press, magazines, journals, books, and exhibitions, as well as films and television programmes.
The research network The Representation of the Welfare City wishes to stimulate interaction between researchers and promote research exchange, with the aim of bringing forward new perspectives and knowledge that can contribute to development in architectural research.

Dates: 9-10 March 2023 at ArkDes, Stockholm, Sweden

The Representation of the Welfare City
The international research network The Representation of the Welfare City, a transdisciplinary project funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD), was initiated in 2021 by Anne Elisabeth Toft, PhD (Network Project Leader), Associate Professor, AAA; Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen, PhD (Network Coordinator), Independent Researcher, AAA; Tom Nielsen, PhD, Professor, AAA; Claus Peder Pedersen, PhD, Professor MSO, AAA; Morten Nielsen, PhD, Professor, National Museum of Denmark; Thordis Arrhenius, Professor, KTH; Michelle Provoost, PhD, Professor, Crimson Architectural Historians / Institute for New Town; Karen Olesen, Associate Professor, AAA; and Anders Troelsen, Professor Emeritus, AAA. The network aims at investigating the welfare city’s image in society and how it is constructed. It will uncover and discuss the major factors that are at play in this context.

Periode9 mar. 202310 mar. 2023
PlaceringStockholm, SverigeVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational