Skæring Beach. From heterotopia to disciplinarity?

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag


Abstract: Recently the Skæring Beach area in the northern part of the municipality of Aarhus has been legally transferred from a summerhouse-zone area into an urban zone area. The shift took place on the background of a referendum among the landowners in the area preceding which there was a public debate. The lecture presents the for- and against arguments of the debate and discusses to which extent the Foucauldian concepts of heterotopia and disciplinarity can help understanding the implications of the shift. Heterotopias are ‘other spaces’ that are radically separated from but also connected to the surrounding normalised (disciplined) places and activities of the city, spaces of ambivalent and deviating everyday practices paradoxically in contact with the disciplined city as well. Is Skæring Beach on the move from heterotopia to disciplinarity?
Periode8 feb. 2023
Sted for afholdelseArkitektskolen Aarhus
Grad af anerkendelseLokal