Weakness as Mode of Operation

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


This paper seeks to unfold the spatial and generative potentials of weakness in the development of architecture and theory, and as a creative driver in artistic- and architectural research.
Weakness is a term which usually comes with negative connotations. The paradox and ambiguity of this term is intriguing. Unfolding the subject, weakness conducts vital tasks – and in some cases even is what makes a system ‘strong’ and resilient.

The paper discuss weakness from theoretical perspectives and through specific identified examples of systems with an embedded weakness. Weakness will be unfolded through these on-going investigations (‘Demonstrations’) and a vocabulary of operational terms (index-cards). The concept of weakness proposes dynamic relationships and emerging capacities and - through fragmentation and assemblage - composing realities without reducing to one synthesis. Ultimately with an aim to provide more stratified conceptions of architecture.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date29 Jun 2018
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jun 2018
EventCA2RE: Conference for Artistic and Architectural (Doctoral) Research - Aarkitektskolen Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
Duration: 13 Apr 201816 Apr 2018


LocationAarkitektskolen Aarhus
Internet address


  • weakness
  • assemblage
  • research by design

Artistic research

  • Yes

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