The Environmental Design Pocketbook

Publications: Book / Anthology / Thesis / ReportBookCommunication


The Environmental Design Pocketbook is the culmination of over a decade of researching, teaching and practising sustainable architecture. During this period, there has been great progress through new legislation and through the advance of technology. Yet the fast pace of change and the complexity and variety of the technical solutions has at times mired the decision- making process in a confusing range of information and choice. This pocketbook is an attempt to cut through that confusion, synthesising the main issues into one single source of practical information. It is written especially with the building industry’s key players in mind – architects, designers, clients, contractors, developers and students – in the hope that they can confidently practise what I refer to not as ‘sustainable’ architecture but simply as ‘good’ architecture.

Key recommendations are based on the synthesis of scientific observations
and practical building experience. The pocketbook is intended to distil and complement current legislation, guidance and other design manuals, as well as to draw emerging research into a single source.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherRoyal Institute of British Architects
Number of pages494
ISBN (Print)9781859465486
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • environmental design
  • sustainable architecture
  • sustainable construction
  • sustainable design
  • climate and architecture
  • climate change
  • climate change adaptation
  • low carbon built environment
  • low energy design
  • refurbishment envelope energy

Artistic research

  • No

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