Diagrams in creativity

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Through the use of a diagrammatic method it seems possible to support a both intuitive and controlled framework for creation of artistic work using 3D printing technology in combination with artistic sensibility. The paper investigates to what extend such a method can be used to evaluate the outcome of a given artistic situation, with the intent to approach the essential needs in artistic creation. The specific diagrammatic methodology is fundamentally inspired by and further elaborated from C. S. Peirce’s semiotic system consisting of interrelated signs, wherein the diagram holds a very special position in the semiotic reasoning process. Viewing the creation of art pieces through the specific diagrammatic approach, indicates that, in the given case, it can be possible to organize the process of creation according to a diagrammatic system, and that this system is flexible enough to allow for an artistic sensitivity and unpredictability as a main driver and parameter. Using the Peirce inspired diagrammatic approach can be useful as a framework for understanding the creation of art on a crossbreed platform involving both traditional skills, artistic inspiration, and newest technologies, such as 3D printing.
Translated title of the contributionDiagrammer i kreativitet
Original languageEnglish
Publication date10 Sept 2017
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 10 Sept 2017
Event3rd International Workshop on Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 9 Sept 201710 Nov 2017
Conference number: Third


Conference3rd International Workshop on Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Internet address


  • diagram
  • method
  • 3D print
  • artwork

Artistic research

  • No

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