Patient involvement in hospital architecture

Publications: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


This paper examines user-involvement in the process used to design new hospitals. Denmark is in the midst of a phase of hospital building. This recent experience is studied by means of expert interviews with senior practitioners involved in three projects. Examined thematically, the data covers the structure of the design process, identification and ranking of stakeholders, the methods of user-involvement and approaches to accessibility. The paper makes recommendations for a change of approach to user-participation in large-scale, long-duration projects. The paper adds new insight on an under-studied area, design for hospitals. It highlights difficulties in applying the goals of user-centred design and Design for All in large projects.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 10 Mar 2017


  • user involvlement, participatory design, co-design

Artistic research

  • No

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