Atmospheric materiality: Toward an aesthetic engagement and phenomenological manifestation

Publications: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


A disjunction between the material and the immaterial has been at the heart of the architectural debate for decades. In this dialectic tension, the notion of atmosphere which increasingly claims attention in architectural discourse seems to be parallactic, leading to the re-evaluation of perceptual experience and, consequently, to the conceptual and methodological shifts in the production of space, and hence in the way we think about materiality.
In this context, architectural space is understood as a contingent construction – a space of engagement that appears to us as a result of continuous and complex interferences revealed through our perception; ‘the atmospheric’ is explored as a spatial and affective quality as well as a sensory background, and materiality as a powerful and almost magical agency in shaping of atmosphere.
Challenging existing dichotomies and unraveling intrinsic characteristics of atmosphere as a spatial phenomenon, the aim of this text is to illustrate these associations and draw out design protocols, focusing on ways in which atmosphere can be conditioned architecturally. In other words, the objective is to trace the conceptual contours of ‘atmospheric materiality’.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number37
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Architecture
  • Atmosphere
  • Materiality

Artistic research

  • No

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