CEPHAD 2010 Conference: The borderland between philosophy and design research.

Project Details


The purpose of the conference is ‘to stimulate the flow of ideas between research in philosophy and research in design’ in accordance with the mission of Centre for Philosophy and Design (CEPHAD), as stated at www.cephad.org. At an operational level, the conference aims at creating personal and institutional contacts of lasting value for research cooperation across national and discipline borders.
The expected audience includes researchers in design, philosophy or other relevant disciplines, whose work may benefit from or contribute to cross-fertilization between philosophy and design research.
For Ph.D. students, a pre-conference master class will be conducted by leading researchers, including invited speakers of the conference (see list below). For the students, actively participating in the master class, and attending the conference itself, will constitute a formal Ph.D. course under the auspices of The Danish Centre for Design Research. ECTS points: 2.5.
Effective start/end date25/08/200929/01/2010



    • Conference
    • Internationalization
    • Design research
    • Philosophy of design
    • Philosopy of design, Master class