Torben Dahl

Torben Dahl

1988 …2014

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Academic  degrees

1972: Master of Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.


Since 1989 employed as Associate Professor at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.
Since 1999, Head of Institute, Institute of Building Science, RDA, School of Architecture.

Research expertise

Architectural Technology including 1) applied technology, 2) building physics, 3) material performance, 4) construction design. 5) building envelope - Climate and Comfort, 6) Danish brickwork, 7) Applied Technology in Danish Modern Movement.

Current projects:
Project leader of the project, "Climate and Architecture", funded by Danish Ministry of Culture, and a number of private funds.


 For 10 years (1996-2006) Chairman of Research-committee of Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architechture. Pt. Member of the School Council of the School of Architecture.
Member of the executive committee of BIPS, Building, Information-Technology, Productivity and Cooperation (2004 - 2008)
Member of Technical Board, Danish Architects professional journal "Arkitekten". (2003-2007)
Member of the Architects Tribunal, The National Agency for Enterprise and Construction. 1990-ies, Chair and member of Educational Board, Danish Architects Association 1980-ies.
REFEREE Peer reviewing for Nordic Journal of Architectural Research.
TEACHING Lectures and courses at RDA, School of Architecture.
Lectures at several Danish educational institutions and universities (RUC, AAA, DTU, DMI, KU-LIFE), Energy- and environmental courses in Thailand (Chiang Mai) and Malaysia (KL).
Member of permanent Cencor-staf, RUC.

Total publications

Since 1989 author or co-author to 28 books, articles and reports within the professional field of Architectural Technology.
PUBLICATIONS LAST YEARS Dahl, Torben (Co-Ed. and Co-author)  "Norsk murarkitektur" (Norwegian Masonry Architecture) The book is written for architects and students of architecture and as an inspiration for everyone, who value the art of building in a sustainable material. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 2009, 272 p, ill. ISBN 9788205390812.
Dahl, Torben (Ed. and Co-author) "Fabelagtige udsagn om INDEKLIMA". (Fabulous Statements on INDOOR CLIMATE), Institute of Architectural Technology, RDAFA, 2009. ISBN 978-87-7830-218-2.
Dahl, Torben (Ed. and Co-author) "Klima og Arkitektur". With the point of departure in a analysis of the climatic components water, wind, heat and light the book presents the architectural potentials in applying the climatic dynamics in the planning of buildings. Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag, 2008, 160 p, ill. ISBN 978-87-87136-77-8.
Dahl, T. (Co-editor) "Architectural Technology - Research and development" RDA, 2005, ISBN 87-7830-131-9.
Dahl, Torben (Ed and Co-author) "Facaden - teori og praksis" A comprehensively  illustrated and documented manual for architects designing traditional as well as highly sophisticated external walls and climatic systems in buildings. Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag, 2003, 152 p, ill. ISBN 87-87136-50-3.
Dahl, Torben, Ola Wedebrunn,"Modernismens Bygninger - anvendt teknologi". Makes together with the book "Modernismens Bygninger - idégrundlag og bevaringssynspunkter" the basis for preservation and conservation of characteristic and unique monuments from the period 1920 - 1940. Published by Miljø- og Energiministeriet, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, 2000. 158 p. ill. ISBN 87-7279-169-1
Dahl, Torben, Orla Wedebrunn,"Københavns MUREDE HUSE i det 20. århundrede" An elucidation on the development of danish brickwork, its construction, form and material from classical massiveness to futuristic layers of shade and shield. Forlaget Tegl, 2000, 168 p. ill. ISBN 87-88925-44-7.


Research area

  • Construction
  • Architecture
  • Technology and digital design