Projects per year
Personal profile
Curriculum vitae
Mag. art. i kunsthistorie, Aarhus Universitet.
Konferensspeciale: Nation, rum, identitet: Et studie i amerikansk landskabsmaleri 1776-1861
Ansættelser og selvstændig virksomhed:
Ph.D. stipendiat
Projekt: In the Making: The interactional role of sketches in the design process
Designskolen Kolding
Projekt: Forvandlingsrum
Hovedbiblioteket i Århus
Freelance redaktør
Arkitektskolens Forlag, Arkitektskolen Aarhus
Aarhus Universitet
Tegnestuen Leerberg + Leerberg
Institut for Kunsthistorie, Aarhus Universitet
Personlig assistent for professor Dr. Phil. Lise Bek
Institut for Kunsthistorie, Aarhus Universitet
Udvalgte publikationer:
Bidrag til bøger:
“Drawing a line – Collaborative Sketching and the Design Process”, In Design Research DK08-09: Transfer, Construction and Form (red. Poul Rind Christensen & Lene Wul), Designskolen Kolding (under udgivelse).
Anne-Louise Sommer (red.): Den Danske Arkitektur. København: Gyldendal.
- “Blangstedgård”, 482-5
- “Borchs Gård”, 130-1
- “Brødremenigheden og Gudsageren, Christiansfeld”, 196-9
- “Digegrevens Hus, Tønder”, 200-3
- “Gellerupparken”, 442-3
- “Gerthasminde”, 306-7
- “Karnapgården”, 116-9
- “Koldinghus”, 460-5
- “Kongernes Jelling”, 514-7
- “Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland”, 268-71
- “Viborg Gamle Rådhus”, 164-5
- “Slotsgaden, Møgeltønder”, 166-7
- “Trans Kirke og Kirkegård”, 92-3
- “Aarhus Teater”, 282-5.
- “Aarhus Universitet”, 358-63
“Designers, Design – and the In Between”, In Design Research DK07 : Communication and Dialogue (red. Thomas Leerberg & Lene Wul), Designskolen Kolding, 68-9.
“Co-creation, Co-design and Co-sketching: A case study”, Mind and Matter, NORDIK 2009 Conference for Art Historians, Jyväskylä Universitet, 17.-19. september 2009 (paper, peer review).
“Design in the Expanded Field: Rethinking Contemporary Design”, NORDES 09: Engaging Artifacts konference, Arkitektur- og Designhøgskolen i Oslo, 30. august-1. September 2009 (paper, double blind peer review).
“Design Responsibility as Reflective Practice: An educational challenge” (i samarbejde med Joy Boutrup og Vibeke Riisberg), Design Responsibility: Potentials and Pitfalls, 8th NORDCODE Seminar & Workshop, Designskolen Kolding 27.-29. maj 2009 (paper, peer review).
“Research into the Private” (i samarbejde medThomas Leerberg). CUMULUS Conference St. Étienne: Design & Research, St. Étienne, Frankrig, 20.-23. November (poster præsentation).
“Designers and Design in the Making”, Paradoxes within Design Research – Mechanisms and Contradictions, The 7th NORDCODE Seminar & Workshop, Lunds
Universitet, 28-30(paper).
“Design in the Expanded Field: Rethinking the concept of design after Modernism”,
International Design CUMULUS Kyoto 2008, 28.-31. marts, Kyoto Seika University (poster præsentation).
Working paper:
“The Natural Constitution: Representing a National Narrative in the Early Republic.” The Odense American Studies International Series (OASIS), Working Paper, nr. 61.
“William Henry Fox Talbot: ‘The Magic Mirror’ – en tidlig indikation for fotografisk tænkning” (oversættelse: Thomas Latham, “William Henry Fox Talbot and Early Photography: ‘The Magic Mirror’ – an early indication of photographic thought”). Passepartout 7. årg., nr. 13: 123-33 (som Malene Bødker Jensen).
“Om den manieristiske rumstruktur i italiensk arkitektur” (oversættelse & introduktion: Werner Hager, “Zum Raumstruktur des Manierismus in der Italienischen Architektur” (1956) i samarbejde med Steen Hammershøi Andersen). In Rumanalyser, red. Lise Bek & Henrik Oxvig, 133-70. Århus: Arkitekturtidsskriftet B (som Malene Bødker Jensen).
“Plads og monument” (oversættelse af uddrag: A.E. Brinckmann, Platz und Monument als künstlerisches Formproblem (1912)). In Rumanalyser, red. Lise Bek & Henrik Oxvig, 218-32. Århus: Arkitekturtidsskriftet B (som Malene Bødker Jensen).
Redaktør, Design Responsibility: Potentials & Pitfalls (bog), Designskolen Kolding (under udgivelse).
Co-redaktør, Passepartout. Skrifter for kunsthistorie (tidsskrift), Aarhus Universitet.
Organisering af seminarer/konferencer:
Design Responsibility: Potentials and Pitfalls, 8th NORDCODE Seminar & Workshop, Designskolen Kolding, 27.-29. maj.
Internationalt samarbejde:
Repræsentant i styregruppen for NORDCODE – Nordic network for research on communicative product design (
Udlandsophold og ophold ved andre forskningsinstitutioner:
Forskningsophold ved forskningsprojektet Creative Encounters: The Socio-economic Organization of Creative Industries under Copenhagen Business School.
Specialerejse til New York og Washington D.C (bl.a Columbia University).
Studieophold ved California State University, Northridge.
Research area
- Architecture
- Architectual history
- Architectual drawings
- Graphic design and visuel media
- Proces and Methodology
- pictorial analysis
- visual communication
- Industrial design
- Process and methodology
- Form analysis
- Communication
- Representation
- Collaborative processes
- Fashion and textiles
- Process and methodology
- Form analysis
- Furniture and spatial design
- Process and methodology
- Formanalysis
- Spatial analysis
- Process and method
- Design proces
- Design methodology
- sketches and sketching
- design thinking
- Design analysis
- Co-design
- Aesthetics and form
- aesthetic tehory
- morphology
- figure/ground
- Formal aesthetics
- 1 Finished
Teaching sustainable design through aesthetic experiments and critical thinking
Riisberg, V. & Leerberg, M., 2011. 20 p.Publications: Contribution to conference › Paper › Research › peer-review
Co-design and co-sketching: A case study
Leerberg, M., 2010.Publications: Contribution to conference › Paper › Research › peer-review
Co-Design and Co-Sketching: A Case Study in Design Process
Leerberg, M., 2010, In: Taidehistoriallisia Tutkimuksia. 41, p. 200-213 14 p.Publications: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Design Responsibility and Sustainable Design as Reflective Practice: An Educational Challenge
Leerberg, M., Riisberg, V. & Boutrup, J., 12 Jul 2010, In: Sustainable Development. 18, 5, p. 306-317 12 p.Publications: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Reframing Business - and Design? A Critical Look at Co-creation
Sørensen, K. B. & Leerberg, M., 2010. 13 p.Publications: Contribution to conference › Paper › Research › peer-review
Sandbjerg Seminar 2010, At give arkitekturen ordet: Arkitektur- og designfremstillingens æstetik
Leerberg, M. (Speaker)
22 Apr 2010 → 23 Apr 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
NORDCODE – Nordic Network for Research on Communicative Product Design (External organisation)
Malene Leerberg (Member)
15 Dec 2009 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in research network
To Cast a Light on Formal Aesthetics: The impact of formal aesthetics today and tomorrow – different approaches from different areas
Leerberg, M. (Speaker)
14 Dec 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Design Responsibility : Potentials and Pitfalls – the 8th NORDCODE Seminar and Workshop
Leerberg, M. (Organizer)
27 May 2009 → 29 May 2009Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
Forskningsophold ved forskningsprojektet Creative Encounters: The Socio-Economic Organization of Creative Industries
Leerberg, M. (Participant)
1 Mar 2009 → 31 May 2009Activity: Other activity types › Period visiting other institutions