Textile Tectonics: 2nd Ventulett Symposium, Georgia Tech University, School of Architecture, Atlanta, November 2008

    Publikation: AndetAndet bidragFormidling


    The meeting of architecture and textiles is a continuous but too often forgotten story of intimate exchange. However, the 2nd Ventulett Symposium hosted by the College of Architecture, within Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, was one of these precious moments celebrating such a marriage. Organized by Lars Spuybroeck, principal of Nox, Rotterdam, and current Thomas W. Ventulett III distinguished chair of Architectural Design, the event was embracing the textile tectonics as a core topic, praising textiles as the key component of architecture, relying on Gottfried Semper’s understanding of the discipline. Inspiring time gathering some of the most exciting architects of the moment, Lars Spuybroeck, Mark Burry, Evan Douglis, Michael Hensel and Cecil Balmond were invited to discuss their understanding of tectonics.

    Full text available at http://textilefutures.co.uk/exchange/bin/view/TextileFutures/TextileTectonics

    Publikationsdato22 nov. 2008
    StatusUdgivet - 22 nov. 2008

    Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

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