Survey < > Creation

Maya Lahmy (Producent)

Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstformUdstillingForskningpeer review


The project, Survey < > Creation suggests that point cloud models from 3D scans of an existing space can be the source for explorative drawings. By probing into the procedure of 3D laser scanning, it became possible to make use of the available point clouds to both access geometric representation of a space and to simultaneously device new. The point clouds that were developed into drawings were a quantification of the recorded and thus spatial elements placed under metric control. While quantification seemed to have little meaning to the project, it allowed further examination of the glitches and other imperfections that emerged during the scan process. Thus, developing drawings by sectioning and reassembly of the point clouds triggered alternative understandings of the registered. 3D scanning sparked solidary reciprocity between the two types of drawings; the survey drawing (of the existing) and the creation drawing (of the anticipated).
Publikationsdato1 nov. 2017
Størrelse210cm x 148,5cm
StatusUdgivet - 1 nov. 2017
BegivenhedDrawing Millions of Plans - KADK, Copenhagen, Danmark
Varighed: 1 nov. 20173 nov. 2017


KonferenceDrawing Millions of Plans

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Ja
  • Drawing Millions of Plans

    Lahmy, M. (Taler)

    1 nov. 20173 nov. 2017

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed Organisation af og deltagelse i konference

