Robotic Traces for Architecture: A collaboration with Rubin, Stuk & Søn

Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstformUdstillingForskning


The project Robotic Traces for Architecture explores the aesthetic potential of the traces generated by the computerized tools: the wire-cutter and milling tool within the frame of the classic architectural elements: the frieze and the trophy.The robot's paths have been developed with the visual programming interface Grasshopper for Rhino based on a parametric setup with various graph types.Finally, the wavy frieze has been cut out in sandstone with a 10-millimeter diamond-coated wire, and the fluted trophy has been milled out by a 30-millimeter ball-headed milling tool.The collaboration with Rubin Stuk& Søn demonstrates how workshop-based artistic research within new technology is able to meet professional practice for facade renovation and develop new knowledge for future architectural artistic practice.
Bidragets oversatte titelRobotic Traces for Architecture: A collaboration with Rubin, Stuk& Søn
Publikationsdatosep. 2022
UdgivelsesstedThe Royal Academy
Størrelse4x1x1 meter
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2022


  • robot teknologi
  • Robotic fabrication
  • Eksperiment
  • robot milling
  • wire cutting
  • KUV
  • KUV Arkitektur
  • KUV Eksperimenter

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Ja
