Material Proximity: Experimenting with Material Strategies in Spatial Exhibition Design

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    A museum exhibition allows for close encounters with material objects.
    However, the distancing effect of the glass surfaces of display cases, as well as twodimensional text and picture panels, often seems to counteract the visitor’s sense of experiencing the three-dimensional material qualities of museum objects. In order to challenge this distancing effect, this article proposes an approach to spatial exhibition design that takes material aspects of both museum objects and exhibition design practices into close consideration. By developing the concept of material proximity, the article investigates the intimate space between museum object and visitor in which the object’s material qualities can be activated and interpreted. Based on an interdisciplinary bridging between different concepts of materiality from museum studies and architecture, the article concretizes the concept of material proximity through empirical analysis of a series of experimental display designs carried out at Medical Museion (the medical museum of the University of Copenhagen).
    TidsskriftMuseum Worlds: Advances in Research
    Sider (fra-til)69-85
    Antal sider17
    StatusUdgivet - 2015


    • exhibition design
    • haptic perception
    • material object engagement
    • material proximity
    • medical museum
    • spatial design

    Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

    • Nej
