Legibility Investigations: Controlling Typeface Variables

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    One frequent problem in legibility investigations is that the tested
    typefaces vary on too many variables. In an investigation which
    compares typefaces that – at the same time – vary on letter width,
    weight, contrast and skeleton, it will be difficult to determine
    precisely why the findings come out as they do, and the external
    validity suffers. By applying a method of integrating design practice
    with academic research, I have designed a new typeface family
    that addresses this problem of multiple typographical variables. At
    its current stage, the typeface family Neutral Test has seven
    members. One is the master typeface; three of the remaining
    typefaces have one stylistic feature that differs from the master
    (skeleton, weight, and width); and three have two stylistic features
    that differ from the master (weight/skeleton, weight/contrast and
    weight/width). In an experimental investigation where the test
    material is based on the different members of Neutral Test, the
    researcher will thus be able to identify the specific stylistic feature
    that causes a given difference in performance.
    StatusUdgivet - 2013

    Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

    • Nej
